me x you baby

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"Heyy baby"

"Hi :)" you sent xem the text and anticipated their next message. You'd always hated how Xero would call you names like that. Well, you didn't hate it really, maybe just liked it a little too much. It always made your heart skip a beat and your face flush.

Something showed up on screen, a game. You stared in disbelief for a moment, you were confused, but ultimately not surprised, you were talking to Nox after all.

"Nikki Minaj world..!" You sent, not completely sure if you wanted to play it.

"Come on it'll be fun! Join me okay?" You took a deep breath and reasoned with yourself, it couldn't be that bad, not if Xero's there. You click the join button and soon enough the bright pink world loaded into view, almost blinding you.

It really wasn't as bad as you'd thought. The game itself was hilarious, having Nikki Minaj's face placed everywhere, including the bathroom stalls.

You laughed at Nox's sad attempt to go in the same cart as you in the ferris wheel. Xey were just barely passing Roblox's censors with the words ze was saying.

"FINALLY!!" Xe said, sitting in the seat next to you. You smiled, you're never as happy as you are when you're with xem. Xey always seem to be able to make you smile no matter what.


"Jesus fuck" you get startled by your phone, zey were calling you. You fumbled with your phone before answering.

"Hola mi amor" you pause, processing what xe just said.

"Oh um hey, sorry." You continue running around Nikki Minaj world, with your barbtini in hand.

"Do you like the game!!? Its fun right??! Are you having fun??!" You smile, of course you were having fun, you were spending time with xem.

"Its fun, I like this." You smiled wider, it was stupid almost, how happy xe made you. Xe went over to you, with xyr roaches.

"Can you join me in Penguin Run? Please?" You sighed, you never really liked that game, and xey always insisted on playing it.

"Okay look, I know you said you hate it because its a rip off of another game but come on, penguins." You thought about it for a second and came to a decision.

"Fine. I'll play your stupid penguin run." You heard xem yell out of excitement, you rolled your eyes. You join the game and messed around before the round began.

"I'm a penguin!! Don't come after me though because its not fair since all the other penguins are NPC's okay?"

"Mhm!" You smiled, holding back laughter. You knew as soon as it allowed you to leave, you were going after zem.


"That was fun!! God i love talking to you! Cant believe you still went after me when i told you not to though" Xey paused for a second. "Hold on is it already 10?! Im sorry bro I gotta go. See ya tomorrow! Night!"

"Bye Xero! Goodnight!" Ze hung up. It'd been so much fun playing with xim.

You closed the laptop, walked to your room, and threw yourself on the bed. It was a good day.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2021 ⏰

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