Chapter One: the skirt

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It was your first day of your fifth year at Hogwarts and you were just stepping into the great hall with your friends Jane and Aurora. Jane was talking animatedely about having sex with Fred Weasley on the Hogwarts express just minutes before.

"And then right as he was about to cum, Ron walked right in." You and Aurora both stared in horror at your friend but she just giggled and said "Fred cummed at the exact moment he walked in and I know I should be embarrassed but it was kinda funny." Me and Aurora just laughed with her as we took our seats in the Hufflepuff section.

You looked up at the stands sheepishly, only to see your crush staring back with his bright blue eyes. You looked away quickly and blushed to yourself. You can't have a crush on Dumbledore, he's a teacher. But your precautions didn't stop you from daydreaming about his balding head and lengthy beard in between your thighs. Just the thought brought you to a stupor and you daydreamed the whole sorting ceremony away.

You perked up and started blushing when you saw Dumbledore take the stage. "Students of Hogwarts, I know you're all very hungry so I'll make this speech short. This year we will be having a special event take place at our school this year that we will be very lucky to attend, but nothing to worry about for now." You thought of what the event might be as you stared at Dumbledore's luscious, gray beard.

"And that will be all, dig in." While Dumbledore waved a hand for the food to appear, you thought you saw him wink right at you. You reprimanded yourself, but of course you had only imagined it- Dumbledore was a professor, he could never fancy a student.

You started eating your mashed potatoes but your eyes lingered on Dumbledore, just staring at his wrinkled face.

You gasped and turned your gaze down toward your food as he caught your eye and smiled.

Jane and Aurora snickered at the incident but your face burned and you hoped desperately that Dumbledore wouldn't think anything of the look.

"Maybe you'll snag him this year, y/n" Jane said consolingly while patting your arm.

"Thanks for the support, Jane but how am I supposed to do that, he's a professor for goodness' sake!" You said exasperatedly

Aurora giggled, "why don't you wear that one skirt you have?" She suggested slyly "that'll be sure to catch his eye."

You laughed along with her as you remembered the skirt, the one you bought and wore in second year that was much too short to wear now. You tried it on at Aurora's house during summer which put everyone in a fit of laughter- the skirt didn't cover a large portion of your ass and didn't leave much to the imagination.

"It would be kinda funny if I wore it tomorrow though" your overconfident ass said.

Jane and Aurora looked at you in horror.

"You can't actually be considering wearing it!" Jane exclaimed through giggles.

Aurora just shook her head and laughed. "I mean, it's up to you, but remember all these fucking boys will be staring up your ass." She said, looking at the boys around the room with disgust.

"As long as one of them is Dumbledore it'll be worth it." You said.

"Well don't back out of it tomorrow morning I wanna get a look at that phat ass." Aurora said with the F boy face.

You and Jane laughed as you promised to wear it the next day.


As promised, you put on the short skirt to wear that day.

Jane was sitting on the edge of her bed, hyping you up as usual, "OMG Y/N YOU ARE A HOT SEXY BITCH."

You looked at yourself in the mirror propped up against the corner. They weren't exaggerating about how short it was- the skirt was barely covering your ass, if you bent over you'd end up flashing the whole school.

Aurora hugged you from behind, "Y/n you literally look like an anime school girl!" She exclaimed.

Your looked at yourself in the mirror one last time and patted the skirt down before turning to your friends, "K let's go to the Great Hall." You said excitedly.

All three of you squealed with excitement as you left your dormitory. As you entered the common room heads looked up and blushed immediately. Some people just kept staring while others quickly looked down in embarrassment. You laughed at their reactions and continued to stroll with your friends to the Great hall.

In the halls people stared but you kept your head up and walked with pride - you knew you looked hot as fuck.

Aurora kept imitating different boys that you would see in the halls "whas poppin y/n? I'll tell you what it's that ass." She said in a low, gravely voice.

You and Jane both laughed at her imitation of Cedric Diggory.

You went along with the joke, saying "Diggory, maybe after lunch you can show me ally your tricks on your broomstick."

Your friends were both laughing as you approached the threshold of the Great Hall. You took a deep breath breath before taking long, confident strides into the hall.

As you were walking towards the Hufflepuff table you kept your eyes on Dumbledore, waiting to see his reaction.

He glanced over at you and you saw his eyes widen for just a moment before he quickly composed himself. He continued to stare but his eyes drifted down to your ass.

You smirked; everything was going according to plan. As you took a seat you draped your leg over the bench so as to give Dumbledore a good look at your ass. He coughed suddenly and looked slightly shaken.

You bit your lip seductively at him before turning back to your friends, who were staring at you in admiration.

"Y/n that was amazing!" Aurora whisper shouted "probably the best moment of my life by far."

Jane giggled "did you guys see his face! I bet you gave him a boner."

You all laughed and started eating breakfast.

As you were enjoying your toast and laughing with your friends an owl suddenly dropped a letter on your plate.

Jane and Aurora both looked expectantly at the letter.

You ripped it open and whispered the contents of the letter to your friends.

Dear Y/n,

We need to have a discussion in my office about the dress code, please meet me after breakfast.

Sincerely, Albus Dumbledore

P.S. the password is chocolate wands

Aurora and Jane both looked at you with excitement in their eyes.

"Well hurry up already," Jane said "don't you want to see Dumbledore?"

You shoveled down your toast and quickly said goodbyes to your friends and started towards the Headmasters tower.

You tried not to get your hopes up as you made your way to Dumbledore's office. Of course it was annoying and misogynistic to get dresscoded but you hoped Dumbledore had some other intentions.

When you got to the staircase, you uttered the password to the stone gargoyle "Chocolate wands."

You smiled as the staircase brought you up to the office door. You took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

Behind Closed Doors: A DumbleDaddy x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now