Take Turns

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TW: Gore, knives.
Once we get the man tied up. He slowly starts to come too. Sapnap gives him a couple wake up slaps. I notice George trying to get the duct tape off till we make eye contact. I grab the piece of paper out of my pocket.

"Ready for a story?" George only furrows his eyebrows at me as a response. I continue to read the paper, "Dylan Singer. A cop. Sap how stupid are you bringing a cop in here?" I joke with him.

"Go on." Says my friend behind the panda mask after a light chuckle.

"A cop who got his partner killed. Purposely. His partner was sleeping with his wife. His partner called for back up and he never showed up and watched. No one else was around. He has lied to everyone. He has used his position to stay in the clear. To stay a nice man. However, he started taking his anger out on his family. They still stay with him as he has threatened to harm them. His wife also does not work so they would be without income. Bad guy right?" I look at George. I get an eye roll as a response. "Bold." We continue eye contact till I remember the fun we're about to have.

Sap and I head back to the table. I grab a small gun that's loaded and a pair of hearty scissors. I make sure their clean and put on gloves.

George POV

I continue to lick the adhesive and open and close my jaw powerfully trying to get the duct tape off. It tugs and hurts but, I need to try and say something to save this man. Finally the duct tape falls off half way. "What gives you the right to decide?" Okay. Maybe not the best start. I notice he preps up and turns slightly as the panda mask guy continues at the table.

"3 years. 3 years since he got someone killed-"

"For sleeping with his wife. Would you let a cheater live if you kidnapped them?" I'm not saying I agree with any of it, but I need to stall and convince them.

"No, but that's not all he did. He beat a child. He beat his wife." He's stomping towards me with the duct tape.

"So instead of calling CPS or something your solution is to kill him?" The man seems to be fully awake. He looks around frantically.

"They don't do shit!" Dream yells as he rips the rest of the duct tape off. I move my jaw around to stretch it.

   "Hey let me go." The man struggles. My heart sinks thinking about what's coming next.

   "How can you be sure of what he did?" I ask before Dream slams another piece of duct tape on my mouth harshly. I run my tongue over my teeth as the pressure hurt.

   "Sapnap has a friend and this is his step dad. That's how I know. Sap wouldn't lie and he's thorough." Dream answers my question before turning away. He's still aggressive with his words.

   "Please let me go." The man is bald and he continues to pull on his bindings.

"Actually I have a better idea" Dream says, "Dylan. Dyl. Dill pickle. What if I made a deal that if you agreed to kill the man sitting in front of you I'd let you go?" If my mouth wasn't taped closed my jaw would've dropped. I felt betrayed. He doesn't know me well enough yet. Right? I look back at Dylan. He seems unsure.

"George if you kill the man sitting in front of you I'll let you go. Deal?" Is he serious. I shake my head as fast as possible. "Hmph" I don't think he was pleased.

"I'll do it." I move my stare from Dream to Dylan. He decided to kill me for his freedom. As mad as I want to be I get what I want. Dylan will get out. Dream takes the small knife he was going on about earlier, and a bigger knife that I know he uses to cut the ropes. He uses the big knife on the rope like I knew he would do. He hands the small knife to Dylan who doesn't seem to be a single bit hesitant or upset.

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