High sacrifice from a pack leader

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As we run to get out the floor cracks under us and we see a blue Glow

"Guys wait look"

"The energy from the moonstone must have created the fault line if we follow this crack it may lead us to the moonstone" we nod Peter and Wyatt keep me from harm away as we go threw the faulty wires once under Seabrook power we find it

"Here it is" we go near it take off our necklace and put them against the moonstone once energized we put them on and we turned into our wolves self's

"Yes" but then

"We have to get it out of here"

"We have to move it together as a pack"

"All of us" and we tried but it was too heavy

"It's to heavy"

"We're not enough"

"Then maybe you need to expand your pack"

"Addison" the ground was coming down fast

"Hurry before it's too late" with the zombies help and Addison and Bree we pick it up and go for the exit only to have it block by a slab


"We need to get it out of the way so we can get out"

"Zed your Zband isn't still broken take it off so you can flip the slab you can do this"

"I'm not ready what if I can't control it"

"Zed please" I beg

"Okay" he takes off his Zband and lifts the slab I help him as the others take the moonstone out I knew Zed wasn't handling the weight of the slab so with a broken heart

"I'm sorry" I whisper before I pushed Zed out the way and the slab closed down in front of me

Peter POV

Once we had the Moonstone on the other side we see Zed and Samantha struggling to keep the slab up that's when Samantha pushed Zed out the way and the slab closed down

"Sam!" We screamed then we heard a crash coming down


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