Chapter One

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The first picture was one hidden away. Our detective, clad in unusually bright colors. The photo folded, or torn, at the middle seam. He'd a smile on his face, faint, but there. What made him smile so?

The second picture brought fear. Kept by the boy, it told a tragedy. The old man, fading in the mists... the shadowy figure standing emotionless behind him... The threat of sinking...

The third picture held a great memory. The young boy, and his father. Two friends against the world. Big, big grins. It's good to remember.

I hope they'll all be okay.

They will be fine, I'm sure of it.




Part One: The Detective

The detective walked idly along the street, hands stuffed in his coat pockets, possibly to escape the morning chill. To any other passerby, he'd seem like just another one looking for refuge. For some rest, and perhaps a hot meal. But not so with Pebble.


Jan 02, 20XX: 720 am

It's been five days now, of just walking. The Hort region is no joke. I've come across a small town, backwater really. Going to see what's the happs here, then move on to Nickelin, had a few posts there. Haven't really found any signs of amiable life, but I'll keep lookin'. I wish my partner could have come with me, she always knew how to brighten a dour day like this. But anyhow, with her in mind, I'll forge on. I'll forge on.


Most shops were still dark, though a few had begun to show signs of activity. Under the dark brimmed hat, Pebble's eyes wandered about, idly watching shop owners, or the children of those, setting up for the day. Inside the shops it looked warm, and inviting. Still, the detective trudged on, not stopping at any of these.

Finally, the road he had been traveling on came to an end, stopping in front of a grand hall. It was as wide as the street and seven stories tall, its walls a faded burgundy. Some banners loosely attached to the walls waved in the wind, greeting the newcomer. Up on the second floor parapet, a man was tearing one of these down, himself shivering in the cold.

The detective acknowledged his presence with a slight wave above his head, which the man returned, before continuing his work.


Jan 02, 20XX: 745 am

A curious building I've stumbled upon now, in the main square. It holds a certain gravity at the center of the town. I feel drawn to it and yet... drained by its presence. More on this later.


The quiet of the main street was interrupted by the sound of shuffling feet. A young woman passed by the building quickly, paying no attention to the idling detective. Pebble called out to her, asking if she knew the name of this mysterious structure.

The fog cleared about her face a moment, revealing a frightened expression. She murmured a response before continuing on her path.


Jan 02, 20XX: 800 am

"The Theater", she called it. How curious.


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