Chapter Two

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Part Seven: The Family

It was quite spectacular, the dining setting. A long, flourishing table of bright and colorful treats, steaming baskets of fresh farm produce, shining porcelain of plates and pitchers, and all illuminated by glimmering white rays of light coming in from windows arched high up above. The scent was heavenly, as if set in the middle of a grand garden of spices and sweets. No doubt the taste of the dishes was matching.

But what was most peculiar about the place was in fact, the sound.

Shuffling, scratching, sounds softer than a whisper. Bits of loose paper could be heard passed around, even as the clinking of silverware and soft rushing of poured liquids blended in the background.

It was the strangest thing Pebble had ever encountered. And yet it...  felt something like home.

Little messages were passed back and forth, and all under the calm, watchful gaze of the woman at the head of the table. To her left and right were likely the oldest siblings, Ytrina and another young man who narrowed his eyes often and ate his food in large gulps. Further on the left were two others, a young boy and girl, and Pebble, Wentley and Roger brought up the right.

In the midst of the quiet convergence, Pebble finally found some time to collect his own thoughts.


Jan 02, 20XX: 140 pm

I've joined in with the Axentrium family at lunchtime. They are an interesting sort, certainly with good manners and hospitality.

I've yet to see the elder Axentrium out of his study. A bit of a recluse, and it's affected his family, no doubt. But whether it's harmed or helped them...  I am yet divided. Then again, I'm not their psych-Maker. Perhaps it's just none of my business.

As it is, my main task is still to help young Wentley solve-



I hope you are enjoying your stay. You seem more... understanding than most, of our predicament.


Pebble looked around for who could have slid him the note amidst the chaos. All other heads were bowed but Madame Axentrium's. She gave a slight, barely-perceptible nod. The detective began writing back.


I can't say I do understand completely... But I think I've been in similar straits. Being part of such a family that many others look up to, that is.



Do they still look up to us, I wonder.


Pebble pondered over the last note, unsure of how to proceed. A note from another source interrupted this thinking.


G: My name's Gerald. You're a detective then?


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