Chapter 16 - Brick wall

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The room was silent. A single lightbulb dangled from the ceiling, providing a circular illumination around the table where Will sat, nervously shaking as he patiently waited for Robert. The water in the foam cup was close to freezing, in fact, the entire room had a cold and uncomfortable feeling about it.

All Will could do was stare down at the table as he continued to anxiously shake his legs. Occasionally, he looked around the room and at the full mirrored wall behind him, knowing full well that he was being watched. He was still in shock, struggling to believe where he actually was. He'd never been on the wrong side of the law in his life. He was a good person, wasn't he? He'd never behaved inappropriately towards Ellie. In fact, he'd acted quite the opposite - and yet here he was, sat in an LAPD interview room, wondering what was in store for him next.

Will was a positive person, a glass half full type of guy. Yet, as he sat alone in the interview room, his gut feeling was that things weren't going to go well for him. He knew he would have to fight if he was to be allowed to see Ellie again.

After what had felt like a lifetime, the door to the room finally opened. Robert walked in holding a file under his arm, looking at Will in disgust as he sat on the opposite side of the table, slapping the folder down before folding his arms.

'I hear you've decided not to call your lawyer, Mr. Miller?' Robert had an abrupt voice. Will felt like a child by the way he was being spoken to, like when he'd misbehaved at elementary school and been sent to the principal's office.

'I don't need a lawyer. I'm sure this is all a complete misunderstanding...' Will finally took his eyes off the table and began to look back at Robert.

'You may think that, but I would still strongly recommend you consider calling your lawyer.'

Will slowly shook his head. He was sure that he was innocent of any wrongdoing. All he felt for Ellie was love. He'd never want to do anything that would hurt or take advantage of her.

'Mr. Miller, are you aware that you are being accused of a federal crime?' asked Robert as he pressed the red button on the recorder. Will didn't answer Robert. Instead, he just sat in his chair, with an emotionless look on his face whilst slowly nodding his head.

'Child grooming in the state of California is a serious offence. You're looking a jail time if you're found guilty,'

'I won't be,' said Will confidently, 'I haven't done anything wrong. I love Ellie, more than anything. It's as simple as that. I never led her on, I never took advantage of her. Ask her yourself? She'll tell you the exact same thing as me.'

'And yet when her father disapproved of you dating his sixteen-year-old daughter and asked you to stay away from her, you continued to do the opposite. Am I correct?'

'It wasn't like that? She came to me, she wanted to be with me?'

'So you're telling me that you willingly allowed a child to live in your apartment with you - even without their parent's consent?' Robert argued. Will could feel his anger, boiling in his blood. Robert was beginning to get under his skin. He could tell that he had no interest in his side of the story. Was Arthur paying him? Had he been set up?

'Ellie is one of the smartest and most mature people I've ever met. She's not a child!' said Will, eventually.

'She is in the eyes of the law, Mr. Miller!' Robert bellowed as he stamped his fist onto the table.

The room fell silent. Will had no words, he sat cautiously, knowing full well that the next thing he said could determine his future.

'So how did it go? You made Miss Greene feel comfortable around you, right? You made her feel like she could tell you anything? Trust you? And you did that why?'

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