Chapter 5

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It's our paradise and it's our war zone.

Zayn's POV

"Fuck!" I swore aloud, mentally face palming myself. I didn't waste time dwelling in my stupidity, I swung open the door she just left from and ran up the stairs to try to find her. Myra and Harry were nowhere to see and for once I was glad, I didn't really need Harry to drill into my head how much of an idiot I had just been.

See this is why you just don't try with girls, you always end up fucking up.

I already established Sierra meant more than just a silly woman to me and I knocked on the door that was half open at the end of the corridor.

"Sierra, please can I come in?," I pleaded, desperately trying to fix my fuck up.

She didn't answer and against my bloody common sense, I entered the room. Next to her bed was framed pictures of her and the guy I presumed was Sam. I heard something thud from the bathroom which disrupted my staring and I rushed to the bathroom which was attached to her room.

My heart broke over the sight in front of me. Sierra was shaking uncontrollably as tears poured down her cheeks. Immediately, I embraced her, tucking her head in my shoulder as I murmured soft words in her ear to calm her down. This was so unlike me but she was clearly hurt and my only priority was to fix that.

"I'm so fuckin sorry, I didn't mean to sit there in silence like an ass. I wanted you to let everything out without interrupting but I should've at least gave you some sort of reaction," I rambled as my arms hugged her slender frame. I needed to fix this, I would never want to purposely hurt her.

She lifted her head off my shoulders and placed her hands next to my cheeks, this time making me look down into her piercing brown eyes.

"It's okay, I'm sorry I shouldn't have ran off like that, I was embarrassed as fuck," she confessed.

"Don't you dare apologise, you didn't do anything wrong I promise," I told her, pressing my forehead lower to touch hers. My hands reached her cheeks and we stood there, the quick beating of our hearts so loud yet so quiet compared to the serenity of the moment.

Our lips met eventually and we kissed softly. I didn't want to be rough, she seemed so fragile and even though we'd fucked once, it felt different this time.

Clearly she wanted more though because she slipped her tongue in my mouth and I kissed her back with a bit more force. My hands ran down her back and I squeezed her ass.

"Shit sorry," I mumbled, removing my hand quickly.

"Carry on please," she whined as she placed my hand back on her ass.

"Sierra don't," I warned her, trying to control myself.

"Or what?" she challenged, grinding on me. She walked out of the room and removed her top, leaving her in her lacy white bra and white shorts.

I groaned audibly and approached her, resuming our heated kiss. She backed towards the bed and I felt her turn us around so I lost my balance, my head hitting the bed. She didn't waste any time as she straddled me, her hand moving towards my dick. She tugged off my shirt and trousers quickly, her eyes running over all my tattoos.

"Don't start something you won't be able to finish," I threatened.

"You're no fun," she pouted, "I want this and you're ruining my moment."

My back hit the headboard and I dragged her hips with me, looking straight at her.

"You'd better keep your mouth in check baby," I said, slapping her ass sharply. Her body fell forward from the impact and she moaned aloud. I grabbed her hair, forcing her to lean her head back for me.

Untamed | ZAYNWhere stories live. Discover now