You Found Me. (1D FANFICTION)

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Hi soo i am taking a shot a fanfiction, um not my first time but 2nd actually. Dont be too hard on me you sass-masta tigers. Urm okay not cool, this story is not about me, as almost all the fanfiction i read its about them..OKay well lets get started


    "No STAHP!!! LOU OMG STAHP I CANT EVEN!! ARGUAAAAAH!!!!!" I screamed. "Tallie whats wrong?" said my best friend Stara. "STERE!! Look at this picture of Lou!!" I squealed. "OMG!!! AAAHAH!!!" she said when she saw the picture. OMG SOOO CUTE!!!  I typed as I posted the picture on instagram. "Hey its my turn, I should be the one to post the picture!" said Stara. "Uh seriously? You posted the last one! It's my turn. We shound like a bunch of eight year olds Stere, we are 16. We shouldn't fight over this!" I said. We looked at each other and then burst out laughing. All of a sudden she snatched the phone. I snatched it back. "Hey thats my iphone ur trying to steal!" I said. Then as we were fightig over it, we somehow dropped it and the alarm rang. "Araagh time to go to the bus for school already?" I said.

  As we were walking to the bus stop I screamed my heart out because I saw one direction concert tickets! "STERE!!! STERE!!!" I screamed. "What!" she said. It was like her voice was fading. "YOU USE YOUR VOICE!" I could hear faintly. "TALLIE CAN YOU HEAR ME! TALL!" and that was the last thing I heard before darkness. I felt my body go limb.

"TALL!!! Your AWAKE!!!!" Stara said. "How long has it been?" I asked. "Fifteen minutes, what did you want to show me?" Stara said. I glanced at the sidewalk, the tickets they were still there. "Um, I'll tell you when we get back from school. When no one was looking I put the tickets in my backpack. Just safekeeping so no one could steal it.  We got in the bus and everyone started singing happy birthday to me. "AWW thanks guys!!!" I said. The whole bus was singing even my crush, Joey. Aahaha if only he could hear what was going on my mind. Speaking of Jake, he said something to me. "Um Tallie I got you something," he said. He got me a doll of BooBear. "OH MY GAWD STOP OMG I CAN NOT PROCESS.  MY OVARIES EXPLODED A LONG TIME AGO AND I JUMPED OF A VOLCANO INTO A MOUNTING OF FIRE BENDING DRAGONS. OMG! URMAHGAWD. URMAHGAWD. STAHP, GO AWAY IM EMOTIONALLY UNSTABBLE. IFHOKGHKDHIHWIREIOWKLAquqej." is what I wanted to say. But instead I said "Cool, thanks." "No prob," he said. Then shot me a smile that made my non-exisent ovaries exploded again. Caz you know my ovaries exploded a long time ago.

I got even more 1D stuff when I opened my locker. 


END OF CHAPTER ONE!! I know short chapter, dont judge da sass masta. Okay im gonna go instagram-mode on you guys/girls right about now. OKAI FINALLY Im not spelling correctly anymo, in chapta 2 she is gonaa tell Stere wat she foundz., will she  steal the tickets? OR will she give de tickets back? read chpta 2, 2 findz out. 


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