Chapter 20

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Jimin came skipping back, a bag swinging on each arm. Eunha, previously preoccupied with Yoongi and their conversation, had not actually seen Jimin pull out a black card and use it to pay, and for now remained relatively anaware of their wealth and full desire to buy her gifts. They had currently, and unanimously, defaulted to buying gifts for a few reasons, the main one being to make her happy. Since they didn't yet know her well they decided this was one of the only things they could do, and they reasoned that observing what she liked would let them know her better. And to that regard, the next stops on the list of shops were once again clothing related, followed by a book store on the other side of this floor that Namjoon is known to frequent.

"Let's go," Jimin called happily and the three left, turning left and following the floor round.

The store was only two over and they browsed much like before, though this time Eunha kept a suspicious eye on the two, slightly distrusting of their ability to keep their word. They proved themselves, Jimin holding back on the erge to pick up and buy everything he thought Eunha had liked. Sometimes he was so tempted that the only thing capable of stopping him was a slap to his extended hand, dilivered viligently by the patrolling enforcer of our word, Yoongi, before he would draw it back from the fabrics and hold it tight to himself in an attempted at stronger restraint.

Eunha chose a range of things, several capable of hiding her marks, old habits dying hard and all, but many of the things she chose were new to her. Things she hadn't wore not just because she was from a time before they were fashionable, but because she didn't feel drawn to them then.

She hasn't warn short sleeves in so long, not even in summer. Not since she first became aware of what multiple soulmates meant; what the looks of people who knew had meant. She had never liked the realisation, would have preferred to live in ignorance, to protect herself from the noise of reality. But all she could do was hide her marks and love her soul in secret, alone and seperated from the very world she occupied. But now she had more than just the markings upon her skin, she had the parts of her lost soul they represent, and she felt comforted in their presence, even if it had only been such a brief time.

So she chose a few shirts with short sleves, and a few pairs of shorts and skirts. And Eunha smiled as she gave them over to let her soulmates carry. She smilled and her heart fluttered in excitement of imaging their future, and the images she saw were more vivid than any she had seen before.

She let the clothes be bought and insisted on carrying a bag as they moved on and continued this pattern that they had fallen into. It felt nice, this repetition of the same events felt good, almost good enough to allow to go on forever. And Eunha might have given into this, if not for the fact that it also felt as if not every thing was in it's proper place, that her soul knew she was not with all her soulmates, that they were away even though they should be near.

"When do you think the others will be finished?" She asked as they walked along, entering into a room styled to look as if it had poped out of an old mansion. The shelves were covered in books, light dim but still clear, and tables with little lams scattered here and there, making it look more like a libary than a book shop. There was even a grand fire place, red bricks and iorn poker, though instead of ash and flame it contained various fire related books.

Eunha was momentarily taken away from reality and absorbed with the sight before her before she had to let her brain do a double take and actuly hear what the response to her question had been. "Not untill the late afternoon," Yoongi had said.

She nodded, a soft movement of her head as she thought about how long it would be before she saw them again, "okay".

They began walking the rows of books, Eunha transfixed upon their titles, the dancing letters and the beautiful little details, gliding a hand upon the shelves as she looked upon the covers that contained worlds. Jimin huffed as she once again was taken in by the sight of the store, "you really like this place, huh?"

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