Chapper: 2 My sexy band is going on a tour with my boss roommate am?

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"Hey you're goin on tour with us" said harry no way!! that was crazy!! i am biggest fan! "Harry i made you MUFFINS!!" said niall but that was SOOOO not what we were talkin about!! "first we haves to get you a DRESS for the big coming on tour dance! And EVERYONE'S INVITED!!" said liam to me. "A dress?" i sputtered like a dying putt-putt. but i was fat and have anorexica and low self estem. actuly" "nile said. U would maybe look better withoUT the dress? ;) Suddenly I was NAKES and One D was like all up ons hahaha. They were making out with eachother and I got to watch them kiss and touch the butts and touch my butts and they licked me the best because i was the prettiest and was way prettier than AMY at school who's going out with nathan. fuck you nathan pls come back to me :.(

One Direction GOES One Direction and that Direction is Towards my VAGINAWhere stories live. Discover now