Chapter 1

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As you step off the train you look around at your dreary surroundings and grimace, 'so this is collinsport' you think and begin the long walk to the manor following your map, the heel of your shoe gets stuck in a hole and you are forced to leave it behind "at least this cant get worse" you think out loud when suddenly you hear the low rumble of thunder and sigh as you begin walking faster stumbling with only one shoe, by the time you arrive at the door of the impressive manor you are soaked to the bones and are trembling "I hope I dont get pneumonia" you mutter bitterly as you knock on the door, a short rather scruffy man answers "hello I'm y/n y/l/n I'm here to assist doctor hoffman?" You say and he sighs before letting you in, shutting the door behind you as you look at the house

"Wow..." you whisper as you walk looking at the paintings on the wall, one of them stands out to you, a pale intimidating looking man, his portrait hangs above the fireplace "who's that?" You ask pointing at the portrait "barney?.... barnes? Something with a barn in it" he mutters "barnabas! His name was barnabas collins and he was the finest man this family ever knew" says a woman walking towards you "elizabeth collins" she says with a smile and shakes your hand "y/n y/l/n its lovely to meet you at last" you say and smile "follow me I'll take you to your room" she says "I would introduce you to doctor hoffman but I'm afraid she is.... indisposed at the moment" she says with a look of disappointment on her face.

Elizabeth leaves you in your new room with an ensuite bathroom and you peel off your wet clothes before getting into a hot bath to soothe your aching muscles, you lay in the bath thinking of how you got here, your mother and father had kicked you out when you told them you were y/s or a 'perverted freak' as they called you, before getting out and wrapping a robe around yourself and walking into your room to see a beautiful woman with orange hair smelling strongly of alcohol "excuse me? Can I help you?" You ask nervously as she looks at you as if analysing you, trying to see every little thing about you, you are immediately conscious of the fact you are only wearing a robe and pull it tighter around yourself "dr julia hoffman" she slurs as she stands stumbling over to you and almost falling before you catch her, you look down at her to see her staring at your chest as your robe has slipped "its nice to meet you doctor hoffman but I think we'd best continue this conversation when your sober" you say and help her stand properly and walk her out into the corridor "wheres your room?" You ask and she points towards a door a few down from your room, you open the door and place her on the bed, being careful not to stand on the broken glass that litters the floor.

You tuck her into bed and place a glass of water and painkillers beside her bed for her inevitable hangover, you clean up the glass incase she gets up in the night and turn to see her already fast asleep, you walk out of her room and to your own and get into bed "that was a memorable introduction" you think to yourself before falling asleep.

Time-skip the next morning

You wake up at 7:30 am and get out of bed, you brush your hair and get dressed 

You wear:

You go downstairs and into the dining room, you sit down at the table next to Elizabeth and smile at her "good morning" you say "good morning y/n" she says and smiles back, a man walks in and sits across from you "morning elizabeth" he says and tu...

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You go downstairs and into the dining room, you sit down at the table next to Elizabeth and smile at her "good morning" you say "good morning y/n" she says and smiles back, a man walks in and sits across from you "morning elizabeth" he says and turns to look at you "hello, who are you?" He says with a small smirk as he studies you "roger this is y/n, shes here to assist julia" Elizabeth says feeling your discomfort at the way he looks at you "speak of the devil...." he mutters as the woman from last night walks in, wearing sunglasses to shield her eyes from the light "hello again" you say with a small smirk as she sits beside you, "you've met?" Elizabeth asks confused "yes we um.... ran into eachother last night" dr hoffman says whilst you scoff to hold back a laugh, she glares at you to keep quiet and you go back to eating breakfast, you finish and get up to wash your plate, you turn around to find doctor hoffman standing behind you making you jump and place a hand on your chest "you scared me" you chuckle as doctor hoffman steps closer making you nervous "I'd best show you my office" she says putting emphasis on the word 'my' "okay lead the way doctor hoffman" you say and give her a small smile.

"Call me julia" she says and walks not waiting for you and you walk quickly to keep up as you walk into a room with a leather chair and physchologists couch, there is also doctors equiptment littered around the room "so..." julia says pouring whiskey into two glasses and sitting down after handing you a glass "let's talk".

A.N let me know your thoughts of this chapter in the comments! 😁❤

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