Chapter 4

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[The scene opens in the the Academy. Murasaki has laid the unconscious Ben on an operating bed and is running diagnostics on a nearby computer. He wakes Ben up with some smelling salts.]

Ben 10: Unngh... Dude...

[Ben's eyes are no longer yellow and his voice is not distorted.]

Ben 10: My head...what'd you hit me with?

[Ben sits up.]

Ben 10: Wait a minute. Am I inside the academy?

Murasaki: Why did you attack me?

Ben 10: Listen, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened. I just...felt this rage. It overwhelmed me. I couldn't stop myself.

Murasaki: What're you doing in Tokyo?

Ben 10: Asagi asked me to help, and that's when Saya and that other guy showed up.

Murasaki: I'd like to run some tests.

Ben 10: I told you, I'm--

[As Ben gets up, he feels something amiss.]

Ben 10: Oh no...

[Ben screams out in pain and holds his head as his eyes turn yellow. The light protrudes from him this time.]

Murasaki: What's happening?!

Ben 10: Get away, I can't control--

[The light surrounds Ben completely. With a final scream he disappears, and a blonde girl appears in his place.]

????: What's going on?

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????: What's going on?

Murasaki: Interesting...

[She turns to face Murasaki.]

????: Emerald! Coward! You hide behind an illusion?! There's no escape from Yang Xiao Long! FIRE!

[They fight. Yang, disorientated by the weakened away from her native realm, is overwhelmed by the Taimanin's advanced weapons and fighting ability. The burning huntress is beaten into unconsciousness.]

[In the next scene, Murasaki has laid Yang on the same bed that Ben 10 previously occupied. He has apparently finished diagnosing the huntress and is in the middle of a communication with Asagi over her computer.]

Murasaki: Whatever Yang is, captain, it isn't from this world.

Asagi: What about Ben?

Murasaki: I believe Ben and this "Yang" creature switched places through some sort of teleporation event.

Asagi: Keep me informed of your progress.

Murasaki: I will. Yatsu out.

[As Murasaki closes communications, an alarm sounds on the computer.]

Murasaki: Another energy anomaly similar to that of Yang's frequency? In the heart of Tokyo?

[To be continued]

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