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I sat in the cafe where me and Harry had planned to meet scrolling through my Instagram. He was late, as usual, 5 minutes to be exact. He was probably held up in some crowd of girls and paparazzi. To be honest, I would act up the same way those girls did if I just saw Harry Styles walking down the street.

I puffed out a sigh and poured more tea into my mug. Finding Harrys number and calling it. I put my phone up to my ear listening to the beeping as I idly stirred my tea. After a few moments he picked up.

"What time do you call this?" I smirked and brought my tea to my lips sipping making sure the noise was loud so Harry would hear.

"You already got tea, you little minx." He whined and I picked up the clicking of cameras and yells of his name in the background. "Bloody hell, they won't leave me alone."

"Hmm, maybe because you're in a worldwide famous boyband who's song is currently playing in this cafe?" I quiped.

"Oh ha ha." He laughed sarcastically and cursed under his breath. "I nearly just tripped over." He huffed.

I snorted and an Eldery woman and her company turned to look at me. I smiled and mouthed an apology trying to stifle my giggles. "Are you nearly here?"

"Just round the corner, I'm hanging up now."

I ended the call before he could, slipping my phone quickly into my pocket and filling an empty mug with tea for him.

I heard the bell above the door jingle before Harry slammed it quickly behind him slipping his coat off and moving towards the table I was sat at. "Made it." He grinned laying his coat over the top of his chair.

I looked at the time on my phone, "Nine minutes late." I stated and smiled innocently back at him, taking a long sip of my tea.

He laughed lightly taking two cubes of sugar out of the pot and mixing them into his tea. "I'm going to Australia in two days."

"Are you trying to make me jealous." I put my hand to my chest in fake hurt.

"No I was just reminding you, since I'll be gone for a while. I mean touring all around the world and all." He leaned back in his chair a smirk on his lips.

I pouted then, sticking my bottom lip out in a childish manner. "I'll be all alone." I stated in a childish voice. "What will I do without you, oh Harold." I put my hand to my head, sighing dramatically.

"For a moment I thought your were actually upset I was leaving."

"Of course I am." I frowned at the hurt look on his face, clasping my mug in my hands. "Don't get all puppy eyed on me Harry."

He pouted more, and I leaned over the table pinching his cheek and then patting it as I smiled. "I'm gonna miss you." He frowned.

"I'm going to miss you too, but you'll have the boys, they're always a laugh. Better company than my sarcastic ass." I laughed trying to lighten the mood.

"You're just as good company, I'll admit you're very very sarcastic some of the time, but you're not an ass." He said in my defence. I smiled, he was really sweet sometime.

"God, when did we get so sentimental."

"Saying you're extremely sarcastic is sentimental?" He joked.

"You know what I mean. I think its the tea."

"The tea?"

"Well what else could it be?"

"Basic human emotions?"

"Shut up, Harry."

We both laughed and after regaining my composure, I went to the counter to get more tea. We idly chatted for a while longer, He explained more details about the tour and I told him about how my cat threw up in my shoe and all the gossip about the new season of "The Walking Dead".

He pulled his phone out of his pocket, wiping his eyes as he let out the last of his laughing fit after I'd shown him a Vine video. "Crap, I've gotta get going. I have to start packing and I've gotta get ready for tonight." He scrambled up, gulping down his tea and pulling his coat on. He gave some money to pay the bill to a passing wairtress and looked at me for a moment. "You can come if you want?" He asked.

"Sure, I'll see if I'm free since my life is so extremely busy because you know," I nudged his arm and we moved towards the door. "I'm fabulously popular."

He chuckled and held the door open for me and I stepped into the drizzle murmering a thank you. "If you do want to come, I can pick you up at 9:30, It's just a house party, but please don't show up in sweatpants." He pleaded. I laughed hitting his arm playfully.

"I was 14 and it was my first party, you said dress casual, I dressed casual."

He laughed then, his head falling back and the drizzle dripped onto his face. We walked a while longer and about 10 minutes from my apartment the rain became heavy drenching us withing seconds. I squealed pulling to hood of my hoodie up in an attempt to shield my head from the rain. Harry simply laughed shouting to run before taking off down the street.

"Asshole!" I yelled running to catch up to him, my shoe landing in a deep puddle soaking my sock. "Harry!" I whined catching the back of his coat and tugging roughly to halt his running. He caught his breath laughing breathily and resting his hands on his knees.

I put my hands on his shoulders pushing on them to get myself on his back, sliding down soon after when he didn't catch my legs, falling on my bum straight into a puddle. I growled and he turned around looking around as if I had dissapeared before catching my eye and doubling over in laughter. "Oh my god, Harry! My ass is freezing right now, it's all your fault!" I grumbled getting up, my hair plastered to my face as the torrential rain poured down. I caught his breath again before turning round and squatting.

"Jump on then." He laughed. I did just that, wrapping my legs round his waist and locking my arms tight round his neck. He started walking and I would slip down his frame with each step before he hoisted me back up.

We reached the apartment complex after a few minutes and I slipped down landing on my feet and he turned to face me. He arched his back, holding his hands to it with a pained expression. "God you weigh a ton." I shoved his harshly and he laughed and I went to playfully slap him. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" He blurted grabbing my wrists to stop my assult on his face. I scowled folding my arms.

"I'm gonna head off now." He motioned with his thumb over his shoulder.

I opened my arms, asking for a hug and he complied wrapping his arms round my waist, my arms round his neck going on my tip-toes to do so. I buried my head in his neck. After a few beats I pulled back and smiled ruffling his hair. He looked at me for a moment.

He shook his head suddenly snapping himself out of his daze.

"I have to go."

"Okay, call me later."

"Will do, Bonbon."

With that he turned and continued until he was nothing but a silhouette in the rain.

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