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The echo of the gun thundered within her ears, hitting the centre of the target for the 8th time. She lowered the gun, rolling her shoulders backwards.

"I'm impressed, Shrike" Natalie Austin acknowledged, staring into her sky blue eyes intensely. "You have excellent aim, better than I have seen in a long time."

"I appreciate that, ma'am" Jayla acknowledged, unloading the two rounds she hadn't used and placing them down on the desk beside her.

"I understand how you received your badge so early. I was skeptical, I have no shame in admitting. A youngster as yourself has never flown through the ranks this fast" Austin had begun to fiddle with the two bullets, studying Jayla.

"Thank you ma'am, thank you for the opportunity."

"Your Father's legacy will live on through you" She smiled reassuringly, a firm pat of Jayla's shoulder. Jayla visibly clenched her jaw, forcing a wider smile.

"I assure you, ma'am, I am nothing like my Father."

She had certainly earned her place. Jayla Shrike had gone from hero to victim the moment her Father, Dylan Rhodes, now know as Dylan Shrike, had been revealed as a traitor to the FBI and assistant to the Horseman.

She was boarding in the academy at the time. The others gave her no end about it. 'Shrike' had become the jeer of the house.

Her Father had mailed her a coded letter which, once expertly deciphered, demonstrated the address of the House of the Eye.

Jayla adored her Father, even if he couldn't be around as much as she prayed.

She didn't adore his legacy, however.

When she rolled up with split lips, bloodied knuckles and a bruised body, he vowed to never let her out of his sight again.

At the thought she laughed softly to herself, closing the locker.

"Hey Shrikey!" The taunt rung through the silence. Jayla's patient smile dawned her face. "Just having a chat to your only friend, are you?"

"Good evening Angela" Jayla's patience unwavering. "I believe you're in the incorrect profession if you still enjoy tormenting your colleagues."

"You just take it so well, I can't help it!" She giggled, tilting her head to crane around the corner, assessing for any supervisors in the quiet evening of the office. Jayla couldn't physically resist the eye roll, subtly muttering under her breath. "We miss you around the house" Angela had become uncomfortably close, pressing against Jayla's back. "You were so much fun to play with-"

"Enough!" Jayla barked, shoving Angela away, receiving a hard slap to the face as retaliation.

"Angela! J! Into my office!" Cowan roared upon hearing the commotion. "NOW!"

Jayla and Angela had been on the receiving end of a formal warning, having had too many negative interactions to count. Jayla had been defended by Austin, who despised Angela and refused to acknowledge her as an Agent. Angela had hopped in her Land Rover daddy had bought her, tossing an open water bottle at Jayla and cursing at her as she drove away.

The pitch darkness, Jayla paused outside the gates of her home. She would have to pretend to be alright, she would attract the attention of her magician housemates if not. She took a deep, shaky breath in, shivering as the water gifted by Angela had begun to settle a sharp chill down her spine.

"Hey darlin'" Merritt's voice came from behind her, had and coat draped over his arm. "What're you doing out here?" He cast a glance into her eyes, "contemplating I see. Contemplating what?"

"It's alright Merritt, just lost in my thoughts." She welcomed the sudden feeling of warmth running through her as he draped his long coat over her shoulders.

"You're shivering darl, come out of the cold" He took her gently by the arm and the both trotted up the gravel together, comfortable silence lingering. He opened the door for her and they both stepped in, her handing back his jacket once they had made their way through the winding hallways.

Jayla and Jack had rooms opposite each other, often playing handball from one room to the other until Dylan would quietly beg them to stop so he could rest his weary self.

Daniel and Lulu were on the left side them across the hall, often having competitions to see who could throw the furthest cards. Dylan and Merrit were on the right across from each other, always struggling to sleep due to the troublemakers who lived beside them.

Their family was crazy, hectic, loud, fun. Everyone within the house adored each other and cared for each other, just as family would.

Much to Jayla's disappointment, everyone aside from Merritt was asleep when they returned home, so she resolved in a quick shower and bed, relaxing into the warm covers.

She began to doze off tiredly when the door creaked. The quiet footsteps made their way towards the bed before sitting down lightly, arm resting on her back. A very soft, Fatherly kiss was placed on her cheek, and he rubbed her back comfortingly, smiling to himself. "Goodnight sweetheart, I love you" He whispered.

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