Who the hell is that?

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No, no. 

Oh, excuse my mental crisis. to be honest, life sucks. It really does. 

Chase opened my door slowly to check If I was alright, "Iz.. you in there?" 

I mumbled, throwing my self against my covers; "Yeah, I'm in my bed." He stumbled over to my bed quietly, "what's wrong this time." He sat down at the foot of the bed. 

I blinked my eyes open, "Nothing, I guess." He frowned, ruffling my hair. 

"C'mon, you've been in bed all day, Thomas invited us to the house for a party, tonight." Chase smiled at me. 

I smiled back, sitting up in my bed. "Ok, I'll go." Chase pulled me closer to him, hugging me tightly. 

The clock ticked as the time got closer to the party, I pranced over to my closet to find something to wear. 

"Wow, you look nice." I turned around to chase, smiling at me. "Thanks." I smiled as well. 

Chase was dressed in a fancy tuxedo, the top buttons were unbuttoned and his hair was in the same style as all-ways. "You look nice too, chase." He smiled, "I didn't put to much effort into it, but I tried." He smiled again. 

He grabbed my hand, "We should probably get going, I don't want to keep Thomas waiting." I nodded, grabbing the keys from the dresser. 

I stepped into the brand new tesla as Chase powered it on, "Do you know who's going to be there?" I  said, shutting the door. 

"Probably the sway house, and the members I think." 

"Ok." I layed back in my seat as he started to drive. The lights on the street shined as bright as a sun, practically blinding me. 

I could tell we were getting closer to the house because I could hear the blasting music coming from inside, "We're here!" Chase shouted, trying to talk over the loud music. Madi and Kouvr came running over to the car, 

"Oh my goodness, you look gorgeous, Iz!" Madi shouted. I smiled, "Thanks! I love your outfits as well!" 

Madi was dressed head to toe in diamonds and glitter, the giant dress look like it weighed a ton. Kovur was in a simple pink dress, with a bedazzled rose skirt. 

They both shouted, "Thank you!" at the same time. Chase nodded at me, letting me know he would be right in. Me and the girls ran right to the door as the whole sway house practically piled inside. Addison was standing at the counter, chatting with Voni. 

"Omg, hey Iz!" Addi ran over to me for a hug. "Oh my goodness, it's been so long!" I said frantically. Avani stepped away from the snacks, "Eee! Hey girlies!" Avani gave a big hug to everyone. I turned around to the corner of the room, where Charli was standing with a frown on her face. She had her arms crossed, standing next to her sister; Dixie. 

Chase stepped in the room as people ran over to him, "Congrats on your new song, Chase!" Bryce shouted towards Chases direction. "Thanks dude" Bryce handed Chase a beer, 

"I don't drink man.." 

Bryce laughed, "C'mon, just enjoy tonight!" 

Chase nervously looked at the beer, and quickly took a sip. They all cheered for him, as they chattered amongst themselves. 

I looked over to the corner of the room where I could see Charli, giving chase a smirky look. "Hey Chase," She smiled at him, but he just walked away towards me. "Hey." He said rapping his arm around me, 

"What's wrong?" I mumbled. "Idk, parties are just awkward for me I guess." 

The room silenced as Thomas stepped up onto the counter, acting like it was a stage. "I just want to give a big shoutout to one of my best friends, Chase! On his new accomplishments!" 

Bryce shouted, "Give it up for Chase everyone!" Everyone in the house cheered as chase smiled, "Hey I'll be back." Chase stepped outside for a whiff of fresh air. 

As he stood out there for a while, Charli suspiciously stepped outside onto the porch. In hesitation, I snuck outside behind them; honestly just to see what she was doing. 

"Chase?" She asked. Chase looked confused, "Yeah Charli?" 

She looked at him with a serious face, "Who the hell was that girl?"

Chapter 2, coming soon.

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