Voracious Hunger

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On the first of June 2019, a young French man was walking on the south side of Duddingston Loch in the beautiful and mysterious city of Edinburgh. It was midnight and it could seem weird to walk alone like this in the middle of the night. However, Evan Monnier, who came to Scotland for his first journey, liked the Scottish legends and mysteries, especially the frightening ones. He came here to, maybe, caught sight of a Kelpie, a shape-shifting water spirit which is famous in Scottish legends. The twenty-year-old man was lost in thought when he heard someone screaming. The scream was stifled like the person was drowning. Evan ran where he heard the cry and saw nothing but a beautiful Friesian horse that was staring at him. The young man approached softly and the amazing horse didn't move, waiting for him to get closer. When he was standing at a distance of one arm from the wonderful creature this one suddenly kicked making him lose his balance. The poor man fell into the cold water and the flow took him to the depth of the lake. He felt something grabbing his leg and pulling him deeper and deeper. The air started to miss and he began to suffocate.

She suddenly wakes up trying to catch her breath. It's the second time in two days that Emily Thompson falls asleep in her bath she needs to rest but she has a bad feeling which prevents her from sleeping. She has been graduated this year and came back to her hometown as a detective for Edinburgh's police. She is a beautiful woman with a tan complexion and bulky hair which would make jealous the most beautiful wild horse. Today is her first important case. An old woman found a body near Duddingston Loch. The poor boy is unrecognizable but sometimes one's man loss is another woman's gain. The twenty-two-year-old lady drys herself and puts on a pair of black jeans with a Rolling Stone T-shirt and a red leather jacket. She quickly checks her look before putting on her heels and taking her New Beetle to go to the crime scene. Arrived there she great her partner and old friend Leo Selkirk. The forensic science reported something quite interesting. The man's name was Evan Monnier according to his papers and he did look Indonesian. However he doesn't anymore, his face has been squashed by a horse which left a lot of horseshoe marks. Before that, he has been drowned and a big part of his body presents human bite marks. It looks like a disturbing cannibalism case...Instead of losing time thinking about how cruel is this murder Emily begins to search all the sites to find the murderer. First of all, she needs to see the security cameras to find some suspects. One person came last night to the park just before the victim. The camera shows a tall and athletic figure but Emily can't see the face of the first suspect. Then, Leo suggests searching for horse owners in the city. The nearest to the crime scene is Tower Farm Riding Stables and Drum Riding For The Disabled Centre. The two workmates set off to go to the stables. According to the depth of the marks, the horse is tall and they also found horsehair that seems to belong to a Frisian. Yet the only stable to own such an expensive horse is the Tower Farm Riding Stables. Arrived there, the detectives start to question the employees. One of them is in charge of the beautiful horse but he is short and stocky unlike the person in the park. The young lady asks him if his horse was out of its stable last night and he said that it couldn't be possible to let a horse out during the night without the help of a staff member. At this moment a beautiful blond woman enters. She has green nasty eyes but the groom look at her with admiration and a little yearning. This one presents her as a regular visitor who, when she isn't in the stables,  likes snorkeling. Her favorite place is the Duddingston Loch. Miss Thompson has a good feeling about this lead so she asked the lady to show them her snorkeling spot. She seems excited to take new people to her place and lead them to a little shack near the lake. It was on the opposite side of the lake but close enough to go to the crime scene by water. In the hut is a man who stares at them with fear. However, when he sees his friend he immediately relaxed. He comes to them with an athletic gait.
"-Hi! Hanna! Who are your new friends?"
He embraces her and she kissed him in return. They continue their romantic mockery in front of the disappointed Leo and Emily who were trying to hide her disgust. The couple takes the detectives to visit the place and offer tea. After this walk, Emily wants to come back to the stables something was going wrong. She asks the groom what kind of relationship he has with Miss Hanna. He hesitated a few minutes but finally decides to tell the truth namely a love affair. Of course, he didn't know about the other man at the lake. Angry he reveals what happened during the night. Hanna wanted sometimes to take the Friesian horse for a moonlight ride. Every time, he helped her to get the horse out and she came back two hours later. The thing is, last night she came back only after four hours. He begs the two friends to let him and his horse out of those creepy troubles and return to work. "-There is something with here..."
Emily lost in her thoughts again doesn't see Leo coming back to the car. If the murderer is really who he thinks she is he can't let Emily put herself in danger. Arrived at the beautiful lake for the third time, he begins to search Hanna's hut. While searching he hears a strange scream like someone's drowning. He runs in the screaming direction and sees Hanna's boyfriend struggling in the water. Without thinking he swims in his direction and tries to save him. But the flow is strong and pulls them in the middle of the lake. Suddenly two hands grab his legs and train him in the depths. Emily arrived twenty minutes later and discovers with horror Leo's dead body lying on the shore. This time, no horse marks just human bites. The body of the man she met before is sitting in the hut but with a pool of blood around him. She runs to the airport and asks for barricades on the roads but the psychopath was gone. It's barely like she even existed.

On the plane to Russia, Hanna thinks about her first victim. He wasn't anybody. She met him two years ago and it has been love at first sight. However, he didn't even notice her. She wanted him to look at her with attention. That's exactly what he did when he realized that she was going to end him. It wasn't enough, after killing him she felt like a giant hole in her chest and, to fill it, she began to eat him. His flesh had such a good taste but she's still feeling empty. The detective and her last hookup were a great meal but she always wants more now. Like a voracious hunger.

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