(4) Gone Swimming

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Ofelia left later in the day, but not before giving Y/N her address and telling her to meet her there later that night. Ofelia planned on sneaking off with the soldier and convincing him to come to her house, where he dad would tie him up and get it out of him. Y/N knew it sounded crazy, but honestly the whole world was crazy right now and they were the ones that took Nick and Ofelia's mom in the first place. Now it was their turn to take someone.

Y/N watched as Ofelia walked away before climbing down the roof herself and heading inside. She noticed no one was there besides Chris and Madison, causing her to question where Alicia had went off to. She hoped it wasn't outside the fence, but figured Alicia wouldn't be stupid enough to do that anyway. The girl was always smart, so after almost getting caught the first time Y/N didn't think she'd venture out again.

"What have you been up to today?" Madison asked her as she walked into the living room. She was reading an old magazine and sipping on a glass of wine.

Y/N shrugged. "Making friends and working on finding Nick and Liza."

Madison sighed, moving to close her magazine before speaking again. "Y/N, you don't have to get Nick back. I'm sorry for what Alicia said bu-"

"I want to," Y/N cut in. "It's the least I can do for you letting me stay here."

"He was with the soldiers, he'll be okay," The older woman said, though it sounded like she was trying to convince herself that.

"I'm bored anyway, nothing much to do," Y/N responded while walking toward the back room.

As she walked back she saw Chris standing by the back door, a towel and sunscreen in his hands. She stopped walking to ask what he was up to.

"Neighbors have a pool," He said while turning to look toward her. "Since they're gone I figured I'd put it to use. You down?"

Y/N thought for a second before deciding to come with him. It wasn't like she had anything else to do until later that night. Plus, going for a swim sounded nice. She asked him to wait up for her before quickly walking towards Nick's room to get a pair of basketball shorts to change into. She knew Alicia would murder her if she tried to borrow one of her swimsuits, so Nick's shorts and her sports bra would have to work. After putting the shorts on she walked back to Chris who led her over to the Neighbors backyard.

"It's a little gross," The younger boy said while taking his flip flops off and staring down at the water.

The water had leaves scattered throughout, and the bottom looked slightly brown but Y/N shrugged. "Well I've seen grosser things lately so," She then pulled her shirt off, rolling her eyes when she noticed Chris staring at her stomach. "Don't be a perv."

He quickly threw his hands up in surrender. "Whoa I'm not checking you out, I'm checking that bruise out," He then pointed toward the large bruise on her stomach. "That soldier really did a number on you."

"Yeah, I know.." She mumbled out while staring down at the bruise. "I couldn't breathe for a few seconds after her hit me."

"What a dick," Chris responded while pulling his shirt off as well.

Once they were both down to their "swimwear" the two jumped in, enjoying the coolness from the water as they began to swim around. It felt nice to be doing something relatively normal for once. They spent 20 minutes just swimming around, splashing each other and joking about random things. Chris had started feeling like a little brother to the older girl, and spending time with him was something she enjoyed. Soon they started to just leisure about the water, resting their arms on random pool noodles as they talked. Y/N noticed the way he started to look upset and she could tell something was bothering her.

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