Go West Young Man

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4JCehDOy54 (Believe it or Not)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pj_w3h9R1gY (Go West Young Man)

Ok, I hate to be that guy but these chapters and the fanfic are based on actual songs. So, I'll link them up at the top but by no means do you HAVE to listen to them in order to gain the "full experience." 


The sun's rays blare down on the open highway, causing rippling marriages to appear on the asphalt. Miles and miles of farm field box in the road on either side. Cattle farms, wheat, corn, flax, all passing by quicker than one can blink. The road is cracked and the yellow strips have faded from the countless cars that have driven across it over the years and the state's lack of caring to fix the potholes.

Cruising along on this worn with time road is one singular car. It's boxy and most likely a lot older than whatever you're thinking right now. It's just your run-of-the-mill 80s Ford car. No bells and whistles, no flashy paint job, doesn't even look all that expensive. It's really just your average joe kinda car.

The black chipped paint glows brightly under the sun's heat, casting rays of its own onto the road. The car's hood sticks out quite a ways away in front of the car, making it look longer than it actually is. The windows are rolled down, letting the fresh summer breeze rush inside and offer relief for a man driving it.

George, the man in question is driving said car. A young, strapping 24-year-old. With one hand on the steering wheel and one hand out the window as he cruises down the hallway. The wind ruffles through his dark brown (nearly black) hair. The heat down in this part of the country is way more drastic than where he's from.

The back seat is filled with boxes and suitcases of various different items. Sitting in the passenger's seat is a dog, a Hungarian Vizsla to be exact. Its coat is yellowy-golden. The dog's head sticks out the window, ears flapping in the wind and tongue hanging out of their mouth.

The song "Go West Young Man ." By Michael.W.Smith blares through the speakers of the car's CD player. As the afternoon sun shines down on the man and his car, all seems to be perfect. However, there's a tight knot of butterflies in his stomach.

Life certainly hasn't turned out the way he thought it would, but really when does life ever go one's way? A new life out west, a new place to start fresh and leave your old life behind. With nothing other than his car, his dog, and the uncertainty of what lies ahead. George keeps one hand on the wheel and one foot pressed to the gas, peddling ahead into the unknown.

Switching hands, so his left is gripped on the leather wheel and one is petting his dog, George also keeps an eye on the right side of the road. Signs zoom on by. "Campsite up ahead." "100 km per hour." Finally though, the sign he's looking for appears. "Night Vision County in the next 10 km."

George takes a deep breath, trying to ease his mind of any anxieties. He looks over to his dog who now is curled up on the fabric seat. She nuzzles into the palm of his hand, offering enough comfort to ease the man's mind, even if only for a moment. The sign passes by. "Night Vision County, your last destination."

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