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I woke up in the picth black darkness i also felt like i was moving, that's when i decided to get up and look around the darkness. Soon i notcie that i was in a metal box with other wooden boxs in it. I was trying to open one of the wooden boxs when ALL the sudden the box stoped,which caused me to fall on my bum. Then i saw a small crack on the top of the box that had light coming out it, i also heard vocies but it was to hard to hear exactly what they were saying. when the box fully opened it was REALLY REALLY BIGHT. I covered my eyes with my hands to block out at least some of the light, i heard someone jump in the box with me i saw a tall blond boy. I back up to the wall when he started to talk.

"Don't worry, i'm not going to hurt you." He said holding out he's hand for me to take, i hesitated for a minute and took it. He carefully pulled me up for were i was sitting and also helped me out of the box, i notice a dark skin boy who push through the crowd of........all boys?

the dark skined boy turned around to the crowd and told every one to go back to work except newt, which i assumed was the guy who helped me out of the box. "Hey greenie i'm Alby and welcome to the Glade."

"Why can't i remember anything and why am i the only girl?" I asked one of the two in front of me. "Don't worry greenie your name will come back to you soon." Newt said with a reassuring smile

" tomorrow Newt will take you on the tour, but for now i'll show you were your gonna sleep." Alby said as he nods to Newt.

When i'm all alone i TRY to think of my name but failed and end up falling asleep.

Hey sorry if i spelled anything wrong cause i am a terrible speller so plz forgive me :)

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