Chapter 1 - A Terrible Idea

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'No... Just no...' I mentally said, wishing I had lungs to sigh. This was going to be a disaster, I already knew.  'That's a terrible idea...'

('But... But why?') The wolf thought back, as if in question. ('I think it looks neat!')

He was alone, standing in the middle of one of the pod rooms, walls of white and grey, surrounded by various papers, boxes, test tubes and a singular metal door. Had to lock himself in to escape his "Natural Enemy" or something... Bullshit if you ask me, we could've easily avoided them altogether had he not ran after them like Usain Bolt on crack cocaine. It would have made me laugh if I wasn't embarked in this as well.

'IT'S A FUCKING STAPLER, FOR GOD'S SAKE!' I replied, beginning to lose my patience already. Wow, and it's only been like, what, ten minutes since the last argument? That's gotta be a new record... 'A STAPLER, WOLFY! WHAT THE FUCK WOULD YOU EVEN NEED IT FOR?!'

('Oww, you don't have to be so mean! I just wanted a new toy...') The aforementioned "Wolfy" replied, cringing slightly from the sheer volume. A name creatively and carefully handpicked by yours truly. Funny how, despite only being an inner voice, I can still manage to make his ears bleed...

'Your "toy" would've had us go through those dark shitheads again, you dumbass! It's nothing short of a miracle you managed to escape the first time around! Are you actually trying to get us both killed?' I desperately tried to reason, understandably concerned for my safety. As much as I despised him, we both shared a body. If he dies, so do I... And unlike the slimy furball, I quite enjoyed being alive, mind you.

('No!') He exclaimed, physically shaking his head. ('Why would I ever do that?!') From an outsider's point of view, Wolfy must've looked crazy, talking to himself... Well, more like expressive thinking, fluent english isn't something he bothered to learn no matter how much I pestered him to do so. I can understand him well enough in our shared mindspace at the very least, so I suppose it could be worse, all things considered.

'Well I don't bloody know!' I quipped back, figuratively making wide gestures with arms I didn't have. 'You gotta stop bolting for dark latex as soon as you see one, ya dunce! At this rate, you might as well jump into a fire pit, save yourself the trouble!'

('But they're my natural enemy, I have to! Stop being a meanie, Matt!') He responded, before tilting his head slightly to the left. (A-and where would I even find a fire pit anyway...?')

'Oh my God...' I began, crestfallen, on the brink of insanity. Dear God, he was hopeless. 'You know what? Forget it.' I followed up after a few moments. 'I don't have the mental capacity to put up with you right now, you're giving me the mother of all headaches...'

('Sorry...') He said, sadness creeping into his voice, looking towards the ground. God dammit, the bastard's guilt-tripping me. And it fucking worked...

'I said forget it. It doesn't matter.' I told him, tone somewhat less harsh than before. 'Let it go. Ain't gonna do you any good if you keep dwelling on it...'

('Okay.') He replied, nodding. Seeing him anything other than upbeat was unnerving, with it practically being the wolf's default expression and whatnot. And hey, one of us had to remain positive, no?  Don't think a depressive Wolfy would bode well for my sanity, a dumb one is more than enough.

'Well...' I began. 'Let's just get out of here, yeah? Get something to busy yourself with, heavens know you need it.'

('Alright!') The white latex said, joy coming back to him once more. There, that was the wolf I knew. As long as he kept being happy for the both of us, the furry bastard was somewhat... Tolerable. Heading towards the door, he pushed the button next to it. For some obscure reason, despite the contraption working perfectly on the way in, it now refused to budge. His paw pressed on it a couple more times, but to no avail. Just, nothing. Not even a beep. I suddenly found myself beginning to develop suicidal tendencies.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2021 ⏰

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