ping pong

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It was lunchtime. Addison got his food for free because some women paid for him upon seeing him walk in. Being popular was hard... Especially after an exhausting round of classes he didn't have to pay attention in. Addison was holding his dinner tray and walking behind Alex when he saw his best friend do a b-line towards a specific table where sat Meow and... Demi... Addison's brows furrowed and he took a chip off his tray with a stilted expression. Alex slammed his hand on the table and teasingly greeted the table: "Hey nerds, watcha up to?"
Demi groaned and gripped on their apple with frustration. "Is there any way you could go five seconds without annoying me?" She started rolling her hand around with the apple in it as if it was a glass, grinning slightly and staring Alex in the eye. "I'm starting to think maybe you're a little obsessed with me." They took a bite of their apple, staring their rival quizzically.
When Demi noticed their lack of words, they huffed ecstatically: "HA! Fan behavior!" before noticing Addison's godly figure behind Alex, still holding his lunch tray.
Addison pushed past Alex to take a sweeping glance at the table before looking at their friend. "They're kinda right though, you know?"

Alex huffed and gave his friend an appalled expression, his eyebrows deeply furrowed. "Addison, you're supposed to be like, my sidekick! Sidekicks don't agree with the enemy!" Addison squinted his eyes and slowly ate another chip, deciding not to give a witty remark as Alex's attention had already shifted to Demi... Demi... The brunette snapped out of his chip-eating trance and glanced at Alex who was arguing vehemently. "Anyways, I'm NOT your fan and I'm NOT obsessed with you. I'm just here to make sure you don't plan on backing out of our match." he gave a smug grin and crossed his arms, leaning into a chill-looking position.
Addison then looked at Demi and bit into another chip, the pink-haired student cocked her eyebrow and looked at Alex before retaliating. "Are you serious?"

Alex scoffed and uncrossed his arms to put his hands on his chest, in an expression that attempted to mix unabashed cockiness and offense. "Of course I'm serious! I mean, I'm pretty intimidating-" he leaned forward to give Demi a condescending, smug glare. "And you're... A bit of a wimp." His grin was the cockiest thing you'd ever seen. 

Addison was getting kind of fed up by this point, he'd already eaten half of his chips just standing there saying nothing and he was getting sick of this inactivity so he just listened to whatever Demi said ("Who do you think I am? I'm not backing down just because it's you. In fact, I'm pretty damn confident I'll kick your ass") and then ooooo-ed in the hope it would cause something to happen. And it did, because Alex seemed twice as annoyed as he was after whatever Demi had just said. "Whatever, I guess we'll see tonight after school if you keep true to your word."
Alex whipped around and Addison understood that it was time to go. He shot one last glance at the table and followed his bestie to another table so he could actually eat his meal comfortably.

When Addison and his plate sat down, Alex immediately plopped his head between his hands with a deeply fed up expression and sighed. "Seriously, who does Demi think she is? Ugh, I can't wait to beat her. She'll never be able to play ping pong again."
Addison nibbled on the tip of a chip and sniffed. "They've got some good comebacks verbally but, not sure if that also applies to ping pong."
"It won't. I don't even care about Demi's skill because I'm just," Alex peeked his head back up and looked over their shoulder. "I'm just better than them at ping pong. So it won't even matter."
"It's okay to be nervous Alex. I think you'll crush this. And my opinion is worth millions, so..." Addison leaned back and flipped his last chip directly into his mouth.
"Is it okay though?"
"Yeah, duh."
Alex rolled his eyes and took the apple off Addison's tray and started eating it. "I'll eat this apple faster than she did. And that'll get me pumped up to beat her!" Alex said with stars in his eyes. Addison pumped up his fists and hit them against the table while cheering. "Do it! Do it! Do it!"
Alex ate his apple in record time and flawlessly threw the core into the garbage before wiping the juice off their lips. The besties looked each other in the eye before simultaneously yelling "YEAH!" and laughing.
"Man, I'm gonna crush this!" Alex exclaimed in a guttural voice, grinning.
"Yeah you are!"

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