Untitled Part 9

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Part Nine: Up on the roof, under a starry sky, two lovers find all they expected...and in some ways, quite a bit more!

"My heart desires to go down to bathe myself before you, That I may show you my beauty in a tunic of the finest royal linen... I'll go down to the water with you..."


Chapter Text

“What do you think of the view, Steward?” Hatshepsut gestured to the torch-lit expanse that spread out in front of them to the river and beyond. The full moon lit the surrounding brick and stone houses and granaries, a scattering of small pools reflecting back its light. The sky was dark above them, fields of stars that faded under the moon’s illumination.

The light from the torches and moon was enough to see the painted tiles surrounding the edge of the rooftop bathing pool: bright red fish and stalks of irises alternating with lotus flowers, some tightly furled new buds, some, fully formed blossoms. The pool was small—perhaps two meters on each side—and deep, the perfect size for two lovers to share.

Past the pool was a small room with an awning attached, giving another level of privacy for those who wished it. A low sleeping couch was placed under the awning, fresh sheets spread over its padded surface. A small table held wine cups and a flagon filled with the pomegranate wine Senenmut requested, she noted. Another held a bowl of ripe peaches and a dish of melon. By a small brazier, another low table held jars of honey and oils.

There was not light enough to read the scrolls of erotic poetry kept in the chest by the sleeping couch, but Hatshepsut suspected they’d create their own poetry tonight. Perhaps, in the morning, she would wake him by reading one of her favorites as she lay next to him. The idea made her smile.

She watched his profile as he leaned back against the rooftop wall and tilted his head back to look at the night sky.

“It’s beautiful, Lady. I only wish we were here at the new moon and were seeing the stars’ full light. I would show you every constellation, and the path of the Great North Star.”

He turned to look at her, his eyes dark in the soft light. “I’ll bring you back here at the new moon, and show you the designs I would install on the ceilings of your tomb.”

“You plan to make regular visits to your new home, then.” Her eyes crinkled at the corners in pleased amusement.

“Only if you join me, Lady. Otherwise, it would not feel like home at all, just another obligation to care for.”

“You put a heavy responsibility on me, Steward, to make your estate feel like your home.”

He caressed the side of her neck as they stood there, separated by a scant few inches. “I’ve seen the responsibilities you carry, Lady. I don’t think this one will weigh too heavily.”

“I trust your judgment, then, in this matter…as I’ve come to do in so many others.” She breathed deeply of his scent, sandalwood and iris with an undernote of sweet musk as she leaned her forehead against his.

“Show me your skills as a ladies’ maid, as you bragged to your butler, Senenmut. I would have us enjoy the bathing pool before we enjoy each other.”

“It would be my pleasure.” He stepped back and led her to the couch. “I believe this process starts with the sash….”

He unwound her blue and green embroidered sash, folding it neatly and placing it on the chest. Taking the loose ends of linen that crisscrossed over her breasts, he lifted them over her shoulders and let them fall behind her.

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