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Michaels P.O.V

I tapped my foot over and over.

I didnt want to speak, not ever.

They were going to make me speak and I jus-

" Michael, its your turn" Dr. Williams spoke.

I stood up hands shaking legs trembling.

" Hi, Im Michael im 19 years old and i have leukemia"

All eyes were on me, oh god I knew i shouldnt have spoken.

" Um, it started when i was 10, and from then on ive always had it"

I sat down, looking at the clock and all the eyes on me.

" Great job Michael, well that ends our therapy session today, goodbye all"

I got up as quick as i could and walked out, i dont like attention.

My mum said she would be there in 10 minutes. Shit.

I stood, leaning on the bricks of the building.

Soon, a tall brown headed boy stood next to me. Why cant people just leave me alone.

" Hiya" Oh god, just ignore him.

" Hi'

" Whats your name"?

" Michael"

" Im calum, nice to meet you"

His smile was like honey, sleek and silky.

" Are you picking someone up too"?

" No, im waiting to be picked up"

" Ah, so you attend these things"?

" I have to, not my choice"

" Well, i mean you do, you just choose to come"

' Well maybe it helps"

I was done with this guy no matter how cute he was, or how much i wanted to pounce on him like a tiger.

My mum pulled up and i jumped in the car with no hesitation.

" Whos, your friend"?

" Hes not my friend, hes just someone elses friend"

" But i can tell you wish he was your friend"

" Maybe, just maybe"..


Yeah, sorry this was crap but i promise it gets better.

And if your a Michael girl you probaly dont wanna read this because hes ill.

just a warning.


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