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Ashtons POV

" Hi im Ashton" I said to the boy with red hair that was fading.

I knew him from somewhere. Therapy?

" H-hi M-Michael"

" I know you, you go to therapy with me"


" Which starts in 5 Minutes"

We walked out of the house Calum walking close to Michael, it felt weird not having him by my side.

As I walked down the steps I felt dizzy slipping a little, both of them to busy talking to notice me.

We all climbed in the car, I usually take the front seat next to Cal, but Michael beat me.

As we drove down the rode I traced shapes on the windows.

I was so hungry, but i didnt want to admit it.

I clenched my stomache as I felt pain.

" Ash, whats wrong"? Calum asked stopping at the building and looking at me with concerned eyes.

" I-Im fine"

" Ok"

I stepped out the car tripping on my feet, but someone caught my arm.

" Thanks Michael" I gave him a smile

" No problem, I trip all the time your lucky cause there was someone there to catch you"

He let go of my arm and walked into the building waving goodbye to Calum and we doing the same.

As I walked to towards the building I felt even more dizzy, I was loosing my balance.

Then suddenly I slowly fell, the last thing I saw was Michael and Calum running towards me.

Till thing went black.....


Soory I left you at a cliffhanger. But there is a longer chapter for chapter 0.7 so Im saving that.

See you next chaper.


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