6 - Promise

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The Next Day...

"Sunghoon-ah, you woke up earlier than usual" Jay stated as soon as I went out from the bathroom

"You're going somewhere?" Jake added

"I have to meet my sister" I answered with a poker face

"We're meeting them today?!" Jungwon stood up from eating

"Should I wake them up so they can prepare now?" He added and was about to go to our bedroom

"No, I'm sorry but it's just going to be me for now. I just really have to talk to her alone or maybe scold her this time" I sighed as I scratch my temple

"Why? Your sister made some trouble?" Heeseung hyung suddenly came out from our bedroom like a zombie

"Wah! You woke up before Sunoo! That's surprising!" Jay exclaimed as we laughed

"Maybe he heard that Sunghoon hyung will meet her sister" Jake started teasing him

"No, it's not that. I just heard that someone's getting scolded. I thought you got into an immature argument with Sunoo again" he explained

"But you literally mentioned his sister, hyung" Jay laughed

"I did?" Heeseung hyung looked at him surprised that made all of us laughed

"You're really scaring me, hyung. I'm not gonna let you meet my sister" I laughed as I lightly hit his shoulder

"I'm going now. Just pick me up at the same location as before, I'll message you when it's time" I told them as I put my shoes on

"There's a chance to meet her today, right?" Heeseung hyung asked and smiled

"No. If she got scolded, she doesn't want to see anybody. So she'll definitely just gonna stay on her chamber all day" I shrugged

"Chamber?" Jay asked

"Chamber 5?" Jake laughed and I just laughed with them to hide the fact that I slipped

"Oh, she calls her room chamber" I simply

I looked at Heeseung hyung who was about ask me again

"Don't ask me hyung, I don't wanna answer your questions" I laughed

"Seriously, I have to go now. Bye!" I waved at them and went out

As soon as I got out of our dorm, I looked around to make sure no one is following me before I ran to Mr. Han's personal car.

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