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-Jack's POV-

We had decided to continue pushing forwards before they could do anything dumb, of course we left half the fleet back at base for defence

After taking the coordinates from the Covenant ship, we all began to jump

Most ships had to jump through our portals due to their ships lacking the jump drive / warp drive, etc


When we got there, i was expecting a base of sorts, but all we got was empty space!

I'm guessing that they knew we were going to head towards them soon, so they left before we could get here

We had activated our radars, scanners, whatever the hell it's called at this point, to search for any remnants of Covenant ships

All we could find were mines, lots of them

The Point Defence System on our ships lit up, taking out majority of the mines, the only ones left were being destroyed​ as well

After clearing out the mess, the Capital ships (Jack, F.D.G, Orochi, Empress) had recieved a message from UNSC forces

Empress III : before we accept their message, i suggest we make a fake crew first, we'll have to keepour shipgirl forms a secret for now

Orochi : i was just about to suggest​ that

I began to make the crew, but decided to make them all female to screw with the humans from HALO, this is gonna be entertaining

Making the finishing touches, instead of having the cool looking spartans, i had T-dolls instead

(nearly forgot to mention, if any of you guys had forgotten, Jack stills looks like a siren)

Jack : hey Zero, can you talk to them?

Zero :........ As you wish princess

On the screen i could see Zero open a tab and open the comms, accepting the message

Zero : *comms* greetings, this is Observer Zero, part of Azur Lane, what is the meaningof your call?

??? : this is the Captain on the UNSC Infinity, we are requesting permission to dock on ship

She looks at us and my moms nod their head

Zero : our leaders have agreed to allow you to dock, please turn off your weapons or face destruction

??? : understood

A portal soon opens up around 70-140km out


-POV change, Lasky's POV-

Palmer : oh my god, is that an Infinity class!?

Lasky : it's bigger than ours, but it's no doubt an Infinity class

??? : a few of their ships are UNSC in design, but yet theirs are so much bigger, although the mixture of ships is strange

I couldn't deny that fact, a small amount of them were simular to UNSC ships, however some had a more stranger look

I couldn't deny that fact, a small amount of them were simular to UNSC ships, however some had a more stranger look

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