Chapter 2

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As we started the drive, I took the aux cord and connect my phone to the stereo. I went onto Spotify and played She's Kinda Hot by 5 Seconds of Summer. Dax looked over at me and smiled. This was kinda our song. He was kinda drunk at a party a few years ago and he sang this song, so it's just an inside joke.

"My girlfriend's bitchin' 'cause I always sleep in. She's always screamin' when she's callin' her friends. She's kinda hot though. Yeah, she's kinda hot though." Dax sang along to the song until it was over and then he was out of breath.

"Wanna sing us another one there, hotshot?" I laughed. He shook his head no and leaned over, laying his head on my lap.

"Nope." He said. "I think I'm just gonna lay right here." He placed his feet just under the window and closed his eyes. "Wake me up when we get there." I ran my fingers through his hair and he slowly fell asleep.

"Is he seriously sleeping right now?" Krill asked, looking back.

"Yeah. Must be tired. He doesn't fall asleep easily."

"Well, then this is a perfect time to ask." Sam said, looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"Ask what?" I looked at her.

"Did you enjoy the teasing?" She had a smirk on her face as she looked back at me. I facepalmed with my other hand.

"Oh, my god, Sam. How about you quit teasing me!" I hissed. She laughed quietly so she didn't wake up Dax. I looked down at him. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping. I'd noticed that whenever someone brought up his dad he'd get all fidgety and nervous like he was scared or something. I wonder what going on. I mean, his dad can get scary at times, but there isn't anything going on while I wasn't there, was there? Of course not! Why would I even think that?! His dads an asshole but he's not that bad! I smacked myself in the face and groaned.

"Trying to figure out how to tell him?" Krill joked. I, carefully, as to not wake up Dax, reached forward and knocked Krill's hat off.

"Suck a dick, Krill!" I hissed. "I'll... I'll tell him when I'm ready to, okay?" I leaned back in my seat and looked down at Dax. He was the most amazing guy I've ever met. He was sweet and smart and, surprisingly, protective of me. Not in the "you're mine, no one can have you" way, he's not possessive. But he'd get really worried if I got hurt. He also beat up a guy that was picking on me when I was a Freshman. It was funny because the guy was twice his size. An hour passed by in complete silence. I looked down at Dax. He had, somehow, rolled over into his side and shoved his face into my stomach. It was adorable, so, I took a picture. Blackmails, Bitches! I smacked Sam's arm and handed her my phone.

"That's cute. Wake him up. We're in the parking lot." She handed me my phone and looked back at the road. I looked down at the sleeping boy with a sigh. Here we go. I gently shook him awake and he looked up at me. "Wakey wakey, sleepy head."

"I don't wanna." He buried his face back into my stomach. I looked at the roof of the car. Aww my god, this boy is gonna be the death of me! I squealed in my head and looked down at him again.

"Dax, there's a naked girl in the car." I lied. He didn't move.

"Is it you or Sam?" Sam and I gasped as he started laughing. I repeatedly hit him in the shoulder until he sat up.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" Dax exclaimed, still laughing, holding his hands up.

"No, you're not, you liar!" I smacked him one more time, then huffed, face as red as a tomato.

"You're right! I'm not sorry. 'Cause your face is red, meaning I won, once again."

"Don't make me sick Satan on your ass." I threatened. It wasn't a threat more so a promise because I will do it. I almost did once. But that's a story for another day.

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