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   Daron was currently busy scrubbing the dirty tables of the small donut shop with a rag. His kind of friend/co-worker sort of blew him off, leaving him the only person in the store. They were open for a little longer, then Daron had to lock up all by himself. Not to mention he's been cleaning for like thirty minutes and he was starting to get pissed off. He huffed in annoyance as he moved on to the next table.

   It's late. No one's even coming in. Why'd he have to stay so long?

   His thought process was interrupted as he heard a little jingle and the sound of the wind, then the door closing. It was as if he jinxed himself. He quickly threw the rag in a bucket and ran to the front, behind the register. Nearly tripped, that would've been embarrassing. When he looked up, he could've sworn his eyes bulged out of his skull.

   Standing in front of him was the most beautiful man he's ever seen. He was tall. Much taller than Daron. His nose was long and pointy, dusted with freckles. He had a square goatee, a nice moustache that connected, and sideburns. But Daron couldn't pry his eyes away from the soft, curly looking hair.

   Daron's cheeks were a light shade of pink. "U-Uh, hi, Sir. What could I get you?" He barely squeaked out.

   "Please, call me Serj. Do you happen to have coffee?" The beautiful man, Serj, said politely.

   "Um, yeah. W-We do. How would you like it?" The boy behind the counter asked.

   "Just black, little bit of creamer. Also, could I get a glazed donut?" He smiled.

   "Of course." The smaller quickly dashed away to make the man's coffee.

   He returned rather quickly and placed the coffee in front of Serj. He grabbed a little bag and carefully slid the donut inside. He slid it across the counter to Serj.

   "$7.49, please." Daron said quietly.

   "So, you here all by yourself?" The other started while pulling out his wallet to fetch the money.

   "My friend kinda flaked on me.." Daron shrugged and smiled awkwardly.

   "Doesn't seem like much of a friend." The taller replied.

   "She's alright.." Daron said but rolled his eyes. He didn't even know why he called her a friend. She was kind of a bitch sometimes.

   "Here ya go." Serj said and handed Daron the money. "Maybe I'll see ya again." He winked and made his way out the door.

   "Yeah.." Daron whispered and his face turned a shade of red. Why did he wink? Why was Daron blushing? What was this affect that man has on him? Shit, he'll probably never see that stranger again.

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