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"mattia it hurts!" kairi cried. mattia continued to slam himself into kairi, pinning his hands on the bed. kairi lightly tapped the bed, hoping mattia would notice. the tall boy pulled out, and bringing the crying boy into his arms. "i'm sorry love, what's hurting?" mattia frowned, bringing his hand up to the small boys cheek to wipe his tear stained cheeks.

"it's okay matti." the wasian spoke through a rough voice. his throat felt as if it was basically bleeding out, due to the deafening noises he had been screaming out. "awh." mattia frowned, as he rubbed his hand around kairis back; trying his best to comfort the boy in every way possible.

"where does it hurt baby?" mattia questioned once again, not liking how kairi ignored his question the first time. "my stomach and my back." kairi spoke, putting his hand onto his throat, trying to rub away the soreness. mattia smiled, as he put his hands on the small boys shaking legs. while the smaller boy trying to calm down, well since he came around 7 times prior that very night.

the tall boy continued to rub kairis back and try to calm kairis shaking legs. kairi whined in pain as mattia moved his hand closer to kairis inner thigh. mattia chuckled in response to kairis small whine, and stopped his actions. mattia picked up the sleepy boy, bring him to the bathroom quickly.

the small boy finally saw himself in the mirror, and would've screamed to the top of his lungs if his vocals allowed him to do just that. his neck was covered with hickies of many different shades of purple and red; and which traveled down his chest and to his public area.

his hair was disorderly, and pointing in all different directions, and his lips were swollen, and plumped up. one thing that really could amaze about anyone, was how such sinful actions; couldn't ruin how innocent kairi looked. even in that moment.

mattia smiled at his small boyfriend, setting him down on the counter, before turning on the bath filling it up with warm water that both boys could relax in, and try to calm down. if anything, mattia didn't want was to hurt the small boy, looking over what he had already done.

he wanted to comfort the smaller boy as much as he possibly could, and the only way he knew how to help, was the warm bath to relax the tense muscles. "you look pretty." matti smiled, as he brought his hand to the smaller boys face. "thank you daddy." kairi spoke out before lightly hopping off of the counter, he had been resting on and limping towards the bathtub, before getting in with the help of the italian boy who held on to the small ones weight with his hands, following him by resting right behind kairi.

the small boy let out a sigh of relief as he felt the warm water touch his body. mattia pulled his beautiful boyfriend in between his legs. he reached down, and started massaging kairis tense legs. "too hard matti." kairi whined. "i'm sorry baby. i'll go softer." mattia frowned, as he softened his touch. kairi moaned as he felt mattia move towards his inner thigh.

"mattia-" "don't worry baby. i'm not gonna do anything." mattia smiled, before kissing kairis soft pink lips. "i- daddy, lo-look where your touching." kairi moaned, as he put his hand on mattias wrist. mattia looked down and realized that his hand was on kairis public area. "oh! i'm sorry baby." mattia frowned, as he moved his hand. "no, keep going please." kairi whined. "baby you already came enough for the night. it's gonna hurt if you cum for an 8th time dear." the taller said as he kissed kairis forehead.

"but it feels good." kairi frowned. "i know, i know baby. but it's gonna hurt if you cum again." mattia said, as he awed the small boys pouting face. kairi turned around and rested his chin on mattias chest. the taller and the smaller locked eyes, before the taller pressed his lips against the smaller soft lips.

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