Part 1: The Story of Deku

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Once upon a time, in a land of magic and mystery called Academikos, there was a legend. The Legend of the Sword of One Light. It was said that whoever wielded this sword would have the power of every person who had ever wielded it in the past, as well as their own strength times 100.

Of course this kind of weapon was one many people would have liked to have, but somehow, in each generation there was always only one person who could hold it, and then the holder would vanish, suddenly one day, and a new holder would appear in the least likely of places.

People tried searching for it, but few of them ever came back with anything other than rumors, some never came back at all.

At the time this story took place, the Holder of the Sword of One Light (called SOL) had again vanished into the wildlands of the North, and the last person who'd allegedly seen him alive was an old hermit who lived alone in the woods, and was said to be almost impossible to find. Everyone had given up trying...except for one.

Deku wasn't anything special, just an ordinary village boy with green hair, living in an ordinary cottage, doing ordinary things like milking cows, herding sheep, or mending fences. He lived with his mom, taking care of his late father's land and shop, while doing odd jobs around town. Even so, they were happy.

But Deku had a dream. He wanted to be the one to find the 8th holder of the SOL, well, so did many other people, but Deku had one special claim to success--he was sure he'd met the holder himself. It has been a long time ago, people said he just dreamed it, but he distinctly remembered a tall man, with a large smile, telling him "Maybe when you're a little bit older, son, I'll pass the Sword onto you." Deku held on to that hope tightly.

There was need for hope in the Land. For many years now, it has been overshadowed by the reign of the notorious Dark Lord. A being so ancient and mysterious that no one had ever, it was said, seen his face and survived. The inhabitants of the land spent a good deal of time fighting amongst themselves, but it seemed with each passing year, the Dark Lord's force claimed even more territory. And wherever they went, the grass withered, the springs dried up, and the sky darkened. Overshadowing the land in fear and despair.

But it hadn't reached Deku's small village in the South yet, until the very day our story begins...

Deku was hauling water to a stable, whistling, and minding his own business, when, out of nowhere, he saw an old man lying in the street, with his cane sprawled out beside him. Deku stopped at once. "Hey, old man, are you okay?" he cried. The man groaned feebly. "I've fallen and I can't get up." "Oh no," Deku quite carelessly dropped his water buckets and raced forward to pluck the little guy up out of the dirt, he was tiny. "Are you hurt?" "Ouch, can't you be a little less rough when you help someone up?" The man griped. "Oh, sorry," Deku tried to be more gentle. "Uh, do you need to sit down? Or some water? I just brought some from the stream..." he looked, the water was spilling out of his buckets and pooling into a mud puddle. "Oh...oops..." "Are you stupid or something?" The old man grumbled. "Offer someone water you already spilled? Don't you have any sense?" "Sorry, I was just in such a rush to help you because I thought you were hurt." Deku said apologetically. "And how would you help me if you weren't prepared?" The old man demanded, not sounding so feeble anymore, then to Deku's astonishment, he stood up, perfectly fine, and moved with surprising speed. "And to think you're the one he says would make the best holder of the Sword." "What...?" Deku blinked. "Holder of the... you mean, the Legendary--" the old man hit him in the stomach with his cane. "Quiet down, will you?! You want the whole village to hear? Yes, you dimwit! Who did you think sent me here? You think I just lie around in the street to get free food?" "Uh, no-" began Deku. "Though I am famished," the man went on, "and it's not very polite of you to stand here and not offer to let me come inside and have a meal while we talk." "Oh, oh of course.." Deku said. "Right this way."

A short time later, the man, who finally introduced himself as Grandfather Torin, had eaten a whole pie that Deku's mother had baked earlier, before Deku could stop him, and explained in brief words his purpose. "The 8th holder of the sword is running out of time, I'm sure you've heard each holder can only wield the sword for half a century at most." "Yes, and he vanished in his 45th year--" began Deku. "Shut your face and let me finish," Grandfather Torin snapped. "Well, he vanished a little early, not many people know this--and you'd better keep it quiet--but that's because he tried to take on the Dark Lord himself." "Himself?" Deku said. "Of course, I knew it! I knew he didn't turn his back on the land like everyone said, they say the holder is the greatest symbol of Peace the world has--" "You sure do like to run your yapper," Grandfather Torin interrupted, with great annoyance. "Why don't you listen when your elders talk to you? Anyway, things didn't go too well, the 8th had to go into hiding to recuperate. Meanwhile, he's supposed to be training the new holder, that's the tradition. Normally, he'd come look for you himself, but if he steps foot outside his haven, the Dark Lord's forces will be on him like bloodhounds, he'd never live long enough to teach you anything, which is why I'm here." "To train me?" Deku asked, excitedly. "Oh goodness no!" Grandfather Torin balked, "I'm a hermit, I hate people. I only tolerate the 8th because I was old friends with his mentor, the only person I could ever stand-- no, I'm just his messenger. He wanted me to tell you to go find him. And be hasty about it, he's only got about a year and half left before the Sword's flame will go out, if he doesn't pass it onto the next person." "What... but that can't happen!" Deku cried. "What will the people do?!" "Exactly, which is why I suggest you get going." Grandfather Torin stood up. "I can give you a map that will get you there, but you'd better not show it to anyone else. It's a magic map. No one can read it who doesn't know the special word." He pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Deku, it was blank. "What's the magic word?" Deku asked. "Crackers," Grandfather Torin said with a completely straight face. Deku blinked. "Crackers?" The map shimmered, and a detailed, full color diagram appeared of the entire territory, from the south shore to the north. "Whoa..." Deku stared at it, "Wait, a lot of this is going through areas that the Dark Lord has already taken over." "Oh, did I forget to mention you'll be attacked by the Dark Lord's forces the whole way there?" Grandfather Torin said casually, going to the door. "I'd get some kind of weapon if I were you, and a party would be a good idea, you don't look like much of a fighter. Not to worry, there are people all over who'd like to see the return of the Holder. Just be careful who you trust--and don't tell anyone that he chose you, they might kill you and try to take your place--unless you have to explain it or something, I guess, I don't really understand how people work that well myself. Why do you think I'm a hermit?" "Wait--you're the hermit, the one who lives in the wild woods--" began Deku. "It took you this long to piece that together, golly, you're dense" Grandfather Torin said, frowning. "I can only pray the 8th is right about you, personally, I'd have picked someone a little sharper, but what do I know? Good luck!" "Wait! When--how--what about my Mother!" Deku cried, "Not my problem." The old geezer was already halfway across the yard. "What about food! Money!" Deku called after him. "Sell something, still not my problem." The man disappeared much faster than you'd expect. Deku was left with nothing but the map, which had now gone back to normal, and two empty water buckets.

Deku didn't stand there for long, he quickly packed a bag with all he could think of to bring, including food and what little savings he had, and he left a note for his Mother. "I'm sorry to leave like this, Mom" he said. "But, I think you'll understand, there's no time to lose, and once I find the 8th holder, and bring the Sword back to everyone, our lives will get much better!" Besides, it would only be for a short time, how long could traveling across the country take?

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