Part 3: The Prince and the Paupers

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As fate would have it, the bard got to fulfill his offer to Deku much sooner than he expected, for it was only a few hours later that same day, while he was playing a song for some reluctant customers, that another stranger walked into the tavern, looking cold and hungry. What drew attention right away from the guests was his two-toned hair, the sure mark of someone with magic in their blood, possibly royalty.

 The stranger looked about Denki's age. Denki registered the sword he had and possibly magic wristguards. Hey, this could be just who Deku's looking for. He thought. Now, to approach. He slid over to the newcomer's table.

 "Hey, traveler, you look like you're here on some kind of quest," he said, turning on the charm. The stranger looked up.
"I am," he said dully. "What's it to you?" 

Ouch. Normally people warmed up to him right away. Denki struggled to maintain his confidence. "Oh, you know, just wondering... not too many questers come through here, you know... in fact, it's a weird coincidence. I just saw one earlier today." 

The stranger made no response, and just began eating his cold noodles.

 Denki tried again. "He was alone, just like you, said something about going North."

This finally worked. The traveler looked up, surprised. "North?"

"Yes, something about a friend who was looking for the 8th holder or something," Denki said. "And he was trying to find this friend, I told him the fellow was probably dead, but he insisted. Only, he needs a party, right? I said I'd keep a look out." 

"This person, he has information on the 8th holder?" the traveler said. 

"Oh, sure, sounds like it," Denki said, not really certain if Deku had ever specified or not, but probably.

 The stranger frowned. "Where did he go?"

"Out, but he said he'd be back," Denki said. "If you want to wait." 

"I would." the traveler looked at his hand thoughtfully. "Would you mind telling me if he walks in?"
"Oh, sure," Denki said.


As luck would have it, Deku walked in not half an hour later. Unfortunately, the traveler had fallen asleep by then, all Denki had gleaned out of the tight-lipped youth was his name was "Shoto." "He sounded pretty interested, once I told him you had information on the 8th holder," Denki told Deku proudly, after being paid his fee.

"You told him what!?" Deku cried. "That was a secret!" 

"Oh that part was a secret?" Denki said, "sorry, dude, I didn't realize. That's what got his attention though, so it worked out." 

"You don't think that could be suspicious at all?" Deku said. 

"Well, you told me, so I figured you weren't worried about it," Denki said. He actually hadn't thought about it at all. 

Deku sighed "I guess I did... but I have to be more careful... I'm sorry, I don't think I can trust this guy. He might be a spy or something. I'd better just move on." 

"Oh, okay, sorry," Denki said. 

"It's fine," Deku said, it really wasn't. "Thanks for trying." He left. 

Denki sighed. 

"Was that him?" Shoto suddenly surprised him by asking, sitting up.

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