Quick (A/N)

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Hey guys. So the main character is Haleigh. (The picture of the girl is her) Yes I got the picture off the internet but I tinted the hair and eyes. (Also sorry about the sloppy eye coloring XD) Anyway Haleigh is a 14 year old gamer who is an orphan. She has been an orphan as long as she can remember and she is a youtuber. She didn't have very many subs or anything like that. Until the day she got adopted by her favorite Youtubers PewDiePie and CutiePieMarzia. (By the way, in this PEWDS and MARZIA are older than they are now.Lets say, about mid thirties maybe.)

Hope you enjoy!

Adopted By Pewdiepie And MarziaWhere stories live. Discover now