Chapter 2

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Felix's POV

A sound of a fire truck erupted panic and concern

"I wonder where it's headed"

"Oh no"

"Is the fire near?"

These are the words I heard as the fire truck headed somewhere




"...Huh?" I asked my friend 

"You were spaced out" Seungmin said


"What were you thinking about?" Seungmin asked me

"I wonder where the fire trucks headed" My friend Jisung asked

"Guys I gotta go now. Chan wanted me to like-- water his dog or something" I told them

They went silent

"Lix... what?" Seungmin asked

"Shhhh let him think about it a little" Jisung told him

I looked at them confused

"Why? What did I say?"

"lix u just said u were gonna water Chan's dog" Seungmin said



"It's fine lix... you're a little confused but you got the spirit" Jisung nodded, jokingly having an inspirational look on his face


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