GraveYard, the breathing cosrpe, has arrived back at the Gambler's place of residence, a old 1920s prohibition warehouse. It had been two weeks since her first visit. This time, she had a western poltergeist known as the Hangman travel all this way from an old dead town. The decaying girl nervously hesitated for a few minutes before entering the haunted building.
She slowly looked for the poltergeist in the old building. "Hellloo? Mr. Gambler?", the decaying girl called out with her terrible stuttering voice.
Hangman was not amused, pulling out his revolver and firing it several times in the air. "Git your skinny ass over here , Jack!"
Grave covered her ears to block out the load bangs that hurt her ears.
"Oh look's who talkin', Cowboy!" A voice cackles, and Hangman was suddenly whipped into the air by his noose and into the old poker table. He then was promptly pinned down by bladed cards as Gambler appeared, grinning wickedly.
"Heard ya talkin' shit, old skank." The western phantom snarls, going intangible and tackles Gambler. The corspe watched, really not wanting to get in the two's fight knowing she'd probably get hurt.
"Oh really now? From who~?" , Gambler snickers.
She had hesittion before speaking, "F-From me."
The gangster glares at her, his smirk turns into a snarl. He disappears then reappears behind Grave, and grabs her neck and tilts her head back to see his pissed expression. "I don't like snitches." He snarls.
Hangman aims his gun but couldn't get a good aim.
The rotting girl tried getting his hands off her neck but couldn't. "Well...y-you lied to me about Mister H-Hangman...", she pointed out with a trembling voice, clearly feeling hurt and scared.
"Oh, I did not I simply...elaborated the truth." The poltergiest then swiftly used her as a shield as the Hangman fires. The bullet strikes the poor girl in the spine.
The corspe felt a surge of pain through her body and cried out. The rotting girl couldn't feel her legs nor could she stand up after she was shot in the spine; it causing paralysis from the waist down.
This ticked off Hangman, his brown eyes turned white.
The ginger drops her, smirking. "Aww looks like you shot your petty excuse for a skank." He taunts Hangman. Gambler then kicks her in the ribs.
There was a loud snap from her chest, a decaying bone broke. The decaying girl then let out a cry of pain and held her chest. Grave stayed on the cold floor, hurting badly, since she could not get up.
The gangster cackled and aimed for another round but suddenly was blasted off of her and slammed against the wall. He was then surrounded by white orbs and they rushed towards Gambler and struck heavy blows into his gem. He cries out, falling to the ground and spits up blood.
A heavy foot was pressed against him and the gangster's eyes met level with the revolver. "Never. Lay. A. Hand. On. Her. AGAIN!" ,Andrew snarls viciously.
Make me." Jack snarls and Andrew cocks the revolver and aims right between his eyes. "I can convince ya very effectively."
The phantom snarls and sharply kicks Gambler into the head, rendering Gambler unconsious and picks up GraveYard gently. "Here, I'll take you to my place so you can rest up."
The living corspe still hurt terribly and proceeded to stutter out, "Th-Thank you, Mr. H-Hangman.." The girl weakly smile but it faded away before admiting, "..I..I can't feel my all...s-since you sh-shot me in my back."
Playing Cards & Tight Nooses
HorrorGravYard Mets two ghosts at different times and different places.