Opinions of a young girl

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Content with solitude
But surrounded by an army of friends;
Noone understood my way of life.

I didn't dream of children like other women,
As the bulging bellies of pregnant women frightened me.
In fear they'd fall when they jumped
Or explode when being poked at.

Children under 3 were a nightmare as they melted your ears with screaming.
Asking them "what's wrong ?" was like taunting yourself as you knew if they answered back,
You'd be dreaming.

Men? Seemed almost useless to me.
Promising you things
that faded into lies
And crushing your dreams.

They left you naked, bare and nowhere to hide.
Because all you needed was him
Their presence like cream:
Gave you pleasure but left you fat.

Then came the after effect of working the weight off that wasn't worth gaining
And with a foundation of dreams you ended up losing.

I doubted I wanted a family,
But if given by God,
I'd trust him and take it.
Because he wouldn't give me what I can't handle

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