Chapter 4

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"Thanks for walking me home, Jesse. It looks too creepy outside to walk alone."

"No problem, see ya." He says and walks away.

I couldn't stand it any longer. I run over to Jesse and smash my lips onto his.

At first, he doesn't kiss back because he was in shock, then he grabbed my waist and brought me closer to him. Our lips move in sync, and his lips are so warm and soft. Then he breaks away from the kiss and rests his forehead on mine.

"Anna, why'd you do that?" He says with a slight smile on his lips.

"Because I like you Jesse. I was just too afraid to admit it, until now."

"And you know what?" He asks with his eyebrows raised.


"I like you too."

Then he gives me one more kiss, soft and sweet, and I could feel him smiling when he did it.

"I've got to go." He smiles, then walks away down the street and I just stand there with a big smile on my face.

I, Anna Parker, had just kissed Jesse Smith, my best friend. That was so crazy to think about. The way our lips touched,was amazing.

I just hope that my dad doesn't find out, he'd kill me and Jesse. He already didn't like the fact that we were even friends.

I run inside the house and run up to my room. Then I take off my Converse and grab 'the Man in the Woods' off of my bookshelf. I plop myself onto my bed and start reading the book, getting really into it.

- - -

I stopped reading because I heard my dads car pull into the driveway. It was seriously already 1 in the morning?!

I quickly shut off my lamp, and hide my book under my pillow so my dad wouldn't see it,

"Anna?" My dad calls.

I can hear him walking down the hall towards my room. I bury my head under the blanket and close my eyes shut.

My dad walks over to me and sees that I'm "sleeping", and kisses my forehead. I attempt to make me realistically look like I'm sleeping.

When he shuts the door, I pull my book back out and finish reading it. To sum it up, the man would stalk the girl every day and finally he lures her into the woods and tries to kill her but her boyfriend saves her in the end.

I can see why people find this book scary, it's pretty intense with all the details. But I honestly don't get why my dad didn't want me to read it. Maybe he was in a funk, like Jesse said.

I went to sleep. Well, I tried. I was tossing and turning all night thinking of my dad's words, Jesse, the kiss...

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