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An Endless War

Their last night in Camp Bloodstone.

It seemed quiet and peaceful, but in the inn things were far from being so. A loud bang sounded as Flowsand’s lithe body was sent flying across Richard’s bedroom, landing on his bed.

Richard’s throw was calculated and meticulous. He’d used the bare minimum strength to send her the entire distance, not slamming her against the wall or otherwise hurting her. Nonetheless, the cleric was left crouching over the bed panting, apparently unable to get up. The robes covering her body were torn and tattered beyond recognition, exposing her snowy shoulders and almost half of her back in naked glory. The bottom half had been ripped to shreds, displaying her alluring thighs as her toes dug into the sheets.

Richard scoffed, seeing through her act. Of course he’d be gravely wrong to think she would let him have his way so easily. His previous experiences had taught him well, he wouldn’t be fooled by her tricks this time around.

He took off his clothes without much hurry, showing off a perfect body that was beyond his age and occupation. He then slowly ambled to the side of the bed, asking, “Did I hurt you?”

Flowsand kept her face buried in the sheets, moaning softly in reply.

Richard took the chance to grab onto her ankle, tugging her towards him before peeling off the remainder of her clothes and getting into position. Just as he was about to start his enjoyment, her legs wrapped around his waist and pulled him in, causing their bodies to collapse against each other. Her legs were unusually strong, pulling their bodies into an intimate distance.

A ten centimetre change from their previous position quickly turned the tables, as the sly girl attacked his groin. Flowsand controlled her strength perfectly, causing great amounts of pain to the boy opposite her but without leaving any trauma or lasting injury. Nevertheless, it wasn’t a good feeling for one’s privates to be attacked.

Richard groaned internally, his head spinning with rage. Flowsand was still bursting with energy, supporting herself against the bed to flip him over in a split second before landing gracefully. This was definitely not the weak physique of a cleric.

Flowsand ran for the door the moment her feet touched the ground, obviously wanting to escape. However, her fingers barely grazed the doorknob before her body was yanked backwards.

“Thinking of running, huh,” Richard said petulantly, dragging her back.

The pair entangled once again, becoming a mess that fell to the bed. Flowsand managed to wriggle out another time, but this time things weren’t in her favour. She’d landed in front of one of the room’s corners, and before she took the chance to run Richard had already cut her off.

Just as she’d said to him, she wouldn’t let him have it so easily. It had been a while since this battle for dominance started, and the cleric had proved her melee skills over and over again. She practised something similar to wrestling, her strength and direction unpredictable. Her great agility and flexibility only served to elevate her technique to another level.

Richard had only learned later that the priestesses of the Church of the Eternal Dragon were trained in self defense just in case they were ambushed from behind. However, that training proved to be his biggest obstacle.

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