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alex p,o,v

the kids are growing up so fast pretty soon they will be turning 3 years old and brooklyn birthday is next month she will be turing 21 years old my music career has tooken off so much in the past 3 years 

brooklyn p.o,v

i just woke up to my phone going off and it was the school lisa got in a fight and that office want to talk to me so i rush down and there was lisa with a black eye sitting there in the office and the other girl was in the room with the head of the school when she came out she walk by lisa and gave her smirk and laugh at her now it was mind and lisa turn to go talk to the head of the school and i was so fighting mad right now that pretty much the other girl get off scout free and lisa get supend for a month i was not mad at my daughter for this im sure the other girl start it and hurt my daughter so lisa did what was best which was self defense well the meeting is over and i will go take lisa to lunch and call her dad and tell him what happen right now whicn im probley sure he is proud for his daughter to stick up for her self so i ask lisa what she want to go eat at and she said oilve garden and of curse we went there for lunch and i call alex and  want to see if he want to meet us there for lunnch .

phone convsion

b, hey do you want to go to lunch with me and lisa at ollive garden

a. sure and why is lisa with you

b,i will telll you when you get there

a, ok

end of phone covsion

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