The First Replacement-Part 1

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Leo Valdez

Age 8

One month after the fire

June 23, 2003- 9:00 a.m.


It's been one month after the fire, but Leo felt like it was just yesterday.

Leo was playing outside with all the other children that didn't have parents that were living or wanted them. Leo was playing with a little toy truck, carefully taking it apart.

He remembers the way the police looked at him after the fire. Like he was a murderer. Leo didn't blame them. He thought he was a murderer himself. He knows that he killed his mother, ad he didn't need to be told twice. Stupid social services. Leo didn't want to be in a foster home, or any home, that wasn't familiar.

One of the foster parents came over to him, seeing he was by himself.

"Hey Leo," says a thin woman with over-sized glasses. "Why are you playing by yourself?"

"I don't like the other kids."

"Have you even tried to talk to them?" Leo shook his head no. "Well, lets go and say hi. Maybe you'll make some friends. Or maybe, I'll scare them and be the freak. Leo wasn't completely stupid.

The lady walked Leo over to a group of boys. Leo gave them all a smile. It wasn't real, but no one seemed to notice it.

"Here, Leo, have something to drink." She handed him a glass full off fruit punch. That reminded him of a silly joke he used to tell him mom.

"Hey, do you know how to make a fruit punch?" he asked the other guys. Being the 8-year-old's they were, they shook their heads. "You give it boxing lessons." Leo heard the joke many times before, but the others seemed to have never of heard it. They all at least cracked a smile or let out a few giggles. He continued to tell them jokes like, "What does an elf learn in school? The elfabet!" or "What animal needs to wear a wig? A bald eagle!" Leo didn't even notice when the lady left.


Leo felt restless while all the others were asleep. He couldn't stay here, it wasn't right. Leo fought with himself for a while before he decided it. He was going to run away.

A/N: Hey!!! Well, here is part 1. Part two is called "Set into Action." :3

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