A Father's Love

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LGBTQ +  LGBTQ +  LGBTQ +                                                                                                                                              " Come on guys say it louder ,It's the Pride Parade " said the MC  enthusiastically         

"Are you okay ? Do you want to go home'' Thara asked Frong knowing his boyfriend isn't fond of crowded places and that too this year there were so many people than the past years.Thara was happy for the development.The development was slow but it had finally taken place and he was happy to be part of that.

"No way,we're here to celebrate and for our rights,to fight for people like you and me .I am fine it's just the heat" 

"Hmm if you say so" Thara said while he took his cowboy hat and placed upon Frong's head not before spoiling his hair"

"Phiiii don't" whined Frong(not me remembering P'Deannnn btw that boy is at another level)

"Peeps it's time to hear some coming out stories,Let's see um i would like the girl standing near the pole who's holding the sign "MARRIAGE IS A HUMAN RIGHT, NOT A HETEROSEXUAL PRIVILEGE" to come up here and share her story.

"Hi, my name is Miya  and i personally don't feel we come out of closet only once. Everytime someone asks me my sexuality i feel like i am coming out again just that you get used to that and again you have to go through all the looks,stereotypes and of course the question how will you know you're straight if you haven't done 'IT' ? Like bitch how do you know your straight if you haven't done 'IT' i mean gay sex is so good."

The crowd hooted and Thara and Frong couldn't agree more specially the last part.

" Well anyways I came out to my parents as bisexual when i was 13 without the slightest fear because i had the misconception that my modern parents or so i thought who supported my friends and cousin when they came out will support me as well afterall i am their own daughter.But that was not the case. It's true that most parents appear open minded unless it  comes to  their own children. I was thrown out and was gladly accepted by my aunt. I do miss my parents but i would rather be myself than be someone who i am not. Leaving my family i have gotten a bigger family . Well,that's it."

"Oh girl you have had a bad past but it's part of life,part of your identity and i certainly didn't miss the girl who's hand was on your waist"

"Well that" she blushed profusely  and the crowd couldn't help but tease the couple.

Thara and Frong were enjoying themselves.Miya was right ,they were part of a big family and knowing that so many people could relate to them added more importance to the event.

"Well ,next i would like the cute boy beside the cowboy hat boy to share his story. By the way both are cute but seems like they are taken just like all good things." said the MC pouting

" Phii , go he's talking about you" Frong said giving a slight push to the clueless Thara.

" Hello everyone "Thara squeaked . Frong 's smile reassured him."I'am Thara . It took me 5 years to accept myself who i am.Belonging to a conservative family with full of doctors made it more hard for me to open up. Expectations were set very high for me and i couldn't be a disappointment . When i had finally gathered the courage to tell my family on National Coming Out Day ,the news was received with silence and silence it was for a fortnight.During that time everyone especially my Dad spent time in Library and went through all the medical books he could lay his hands on to find a way to cure me ,for him been gay was a sin. Those days were horrifying for me.But then he came home during dinner time and told me one day to bring home a man one who loved me just like he does."

" I asked him the reason for his sudden change,he told me he realized before i came out as gay and after i came out,one thing didn't change - his love for me which remained unchanged                 and i did bring home a man for whom my family was ready to trade me with and wouldn't think twice. " Thara concluded as his eyes met with a certain someone.                                           

" My father didn't tell me how to live;he lived and let me watch him do it."   

A/N:                                                                                                                                                                                               I have never been to a pride event  which i think many of you would have guessed.I do plan to when i become an adult which is never in Indian parent's dictionary .                                                           If anyone is willing, please share your experience. I would love to know                                                                                                                                                                                                             - Thank You          

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