Roller Rink pt.1

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Tw scars, chapter picture

(Time skip since i don't wanna write the car ride)

As all three boys walked up the door Clay opened the door for George "thank you, you kind sir" Clay simply nodded his head. The building was full of loud music and people yelling. Since Clay wad behind George he leaned into Georges ear "c'mon let's get our wrist bands" George shook his head up and down to show he agreed, Clay then looked at Sapnap and pointed to his wrist to show they need to buy wrist bands. All 3 boys walked up to the main counter and Clay bought all of the wrist bands since he prefers to spend money on his friends then himself. They all had their wrist bands and just needed their roller skates."  I'll go get the skates"  Sapnap said as he walked away, he already knew both boys shoe sizes.

George was on his phone scrolling thru social media, while Clay was looking around. He noticed there was a bunch of Men starting at him. He was a mad and somewhat jealous that people were starting at him with hunger in their eyes like George was their prey, but George didn't seem to noticed them starting. Clay wanted to claim what was his so he grabbed George by the hips and pulled him into his chest from the behind since George was standing in front of him. Clays action caused George to let out a small whine due to how hard his grip was. He looked up to face Clay with a confused expression. Clay leaned down to whisper into the smaller boy's ear. "There was people staring at you." Clays lips brushed over Georges neck causing shivers to go down his spine, but George was confused on to why Clay cared that people was starting at him. "And?" George said with a smile and at little chuckle. "I guess i didn't want people to stare at what's mine." Clay said with confidence.

George had spun around wrapping his arms around Clays neck while Clay was still holding onto Georges wasit. "You can't claim something you dont own"
"oh come on now"  George let out a giggle placing his head on Clays chest " shut up"

"Ok so here are the sk-  WOAH I GOTTA TELL KARL" Sapnap said putting down the skates and snapping a picture of the two boys. George then buried his head more into Clays chest. "You smell good" George said without thinking.      
" wait-  well its true b-but i didn't mean to sa-say it" Clay let out his tea kettle wheeze. George admired Clay's smile ,he loved his smile more then anything. "Don't worry Georgie, i like the way you smell like vanilla " Clay pulled George off of him to look him in the eyes still holding him. George blushed and turned to look at the side "Shut up." Clay let out a contagious laugh causing George to laugh with him. "C'mon lets put on our skates."

(Fast forward to when they were done with the skates)

Clay started to walk off first before George yelled "CLAY" He turned around confused seeing George skate towards him. "Your roller blades are untied"  George bent down and got on his knees to tie the younger boys roller skates. " i like seeing you on your knees for me" Clay said to make George flustered. It worked but it also back fired." I bet you'd like to see me on all 4 too then" George replied standing up straight and skating away to go to the rink. Clay stood there completely shook at Georges comment. George was in the rink and skated to the area Clay was even tho he wasn't in the rink. "Are you coming idiot?" George said with a giggle knowing he shocked Clay with his comment. "Huh? Oh yea"

Sorry for such a short chapter but roller rink has 2 parts i could put them together i dunno yet but for now i think imma keep them separate bc i update every other day so might as well give y'all what i have already. And yea if u see anything that needs to be rephrased or has bad spelling lmk ill change it


Remember your doing so well💚 and i love you all.

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