Chapter 2

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Age: 5-6
Characters: Clint and Natasha
Location: Budapest
Third Person Pov:
Natasha and her adoptive parents and Jenna Gomez and Ricky Gomez (my own character) we're on a holiday to Budapest.
They were in a hotel room that is until Nat sneak out of the room she went to the roof top to enjoy the view of Budapest, she was alone until a boy around 6 came out of nowhere. They didn't speak until the boy said " Beautiful view, huh? "
"Talking to me? "
"Yes you, who else? "
"You never answered the question"
"Yea it's beautiful"
"My name is Clint, mom says to never talk to strangers but who ever listen, right? What's your name? "
"Natasha, Natasha Romanoff"
"Well, it's nice to meet you Natasha"
"You too"
"Where do you live Natasha? "
"New york, you? "
"New York"
"We could be friends"
"Aren't we already? "
"I suppose"
"I need to go back before my parents is afraid, I gone"
"See u around"

Don't talk to strangers, end of chapter don't forget to review.

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