this is only my begining

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this is me. srry if u dont care about this story but i do have one thing to say.... dont read this if ur just gonna comment on how messed up my life is...... thanks😔 okayyy sooo where do i start..... The Begining right?... well sometimes when i tell this story i feel like there is no begining..... but i guess u can be the judge of that.....
well im 15 american and i have long brown hair and ugly hazel eyes and stupid freckles under my eyes and around my nose..... i guess i have super long eye lashes (from what people say) and i have a weird nose.... (all in my opinion) my arms feel wayy to long and i get a ton of comments about how my feet are "too" small..... speaking of alot of comments on body features.... i also get bullied for either being too fat that i look "overweight" or for looking "anorexic"..... it depends on how this specific person wants to make me feel that day.... do i cut? haha yes.... have i tried to stop? yep.... does anybody know? just a couple of ppl.... do they care?.... well they say they my mind i dont think they do.....
last time i cut was this morning before school... the pain of cutting makes me im in my own world where i control everything.... its happy and im not being bothered.... well enough about cutting....
Family: my mom died last year.......

my dad is a great father.... i have a 3yr. old brother..... and my grandparents all died when i was little.... both of my parents were only children soo no aunts and uncles for me....
yea soo thats my "family"
Friends and Social life: i had a friend.... he was everything u could ever want in a friend... he was popular, anazingly hot (he looked like Kenny Holland alittle bit), he was an incredible singer and an amazing football and basketball stud...... well his name was Jake.... he was there for me.... he always called me his "Andrea" i never knew why tho...... well he commit suicide 5 months ago.... his dad died a week before he commit suicide and i guess he couldnt handle the pain.... i wouldnt blame him... ive tried suicide soooooooo many times..... im still trying.... trust me✋....... welll yea im not a social person... i dont hang out with ppl and i dont think anybody likes mee... i wouldnt like me either..... im ugly,fat,pathetic and worthless......

well ur probably all wondering my name...... my name is Channing Brielle Drew but i go by Bri or Brielle.... i hate my name... but i kinda thought everybody does....... well im gonna make things a little more positvie now and tell u things that i like....
starbucks "typical white gurrl"
and clothes.....
things i hate:
the fact my mom is dead
the fact my bestfriend commit suicide
and life.....
well these are the last few facts of me untill i go into the WHOLE story...
weight: 94lbs
height: 5'1
skin color: beach tan
hair: long (lowww back) dark brown
eyes: hazel
age: 15
DOB: Febuary 24, 1999
POB: Sacramento, California
realtionship status: wht do u think?.....

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