Go Home Random, You're Drunk- RandomNote

571 12 39

Pairing: RandomNote
Requested by: MEEEEEEE
Song: None
Words: 2 HAAPY 4 CHU! Let's just say it's the longest oneshot (excluding the song) so far in the book!!

Note wondered through all the drunk people at Adam's party looking for Random.

'Damnit Random, what have you gotten yourself into?'

"I LIEK PONIEESSS!!!" Note heard someone yell.


Note pushed pass all the people that got in her way to find something that she hated.

Random sitting on the kitchen island, giggling with a bunch of other drunk guys.

Note stormed over to Random and grabbed her hand.

"C'mon Random, I'm taking you home." She said, pulling on Random's hand.

"NUUU! I DON WANNA!" Random slurred.

"Seriously Random, leezgo!" Note said, pulling harder on the drunk Random's hand.

"You heard her, she doesn't want to go, so scram!" One of the drunk guys in a camo outfit said, pushing Note off.

"Listen here buddy," Note started, pulling out a pocket knife, "I don't know who you are, how you got here, or how much of a threat you pose to Random, but as her friend, I will not hesitate to slice and dice you up. Do you understand?!" Note said, threatingly[IDK] holding the knife at the guy's neck.

He put up his hands, unarmored. Note took Random by the hand and left the drunken guys in a dazed state.

Since Random was stumbling everywhere, Note decided to pick her up bridal style.

Random giggled and kissed Note.

Note frozed, then kissed back, even though Random's breath reeked of alcohol.

Random then pulled away and buried her head into Note's neck.

Note blushed a little, then continued walking to her Subaru, nicknamed Sub[XD].

Note put Random in the passenger's seat, fastend her seatbelt, closed the door, and walked over to the driver's side.

Note got in the car, fastend her seatbelt, and started backing out of the  parking spot.

"Luv ya Note." Random said,  not slurring.

"B-bu I thought y-y-you were drunk!!!" Note yelled, her face flustered.

"I was, until you got me away from those guys! Sorry if I embarrassed you."

Note simply smiled and pecked Random's cheek, making them both blush even more.

"Luv ya too Random, luv ya too."

Random is @randomgeekyness btw
Expect more of RandomNote in the future!!
Sorry if you thought this was Setolox, that's next.
Excuse any mistskes, this was done on a tablet.
Much luv,

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