Chapter 1

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Bokuto was failing school miserably, he barely made it through his second year and was on the verge of giving up for his third year. Despite working his ass off, bokuto barely managed to get higher than an f- and it was taking a toll on him. He felt useless, completely pathetic, replacible. His focus for everything, including volleyball, was completely gone. Kuroo and Akaashi tried their best to help him but he began to emotionally shut down towards them. He spent more time in emo-mode rather than out of it. Confined, borderline claustrophobic spaces became his safe place.

Concern grew in the volleyball club as Bokuto missed the eight practice in a row, they all took it in turns calling him and spamming his phone with texts. Akaashi was the first to vollenteer to go to Bo's house and check up on him. Kohana watched the dark haired second year essentially sprint out of the gym, a sigh escaping his lips as he turned to the team, "everyone, practice is excused for today, im sure our silly captain will be back in tomorow." There was a collective nod and they all disbanded, each heading home.

Kuroos phone rang wildly as Akaashi desperately tried to reach him. He had reached bokutos house but there was no sign of life whatsoever, not Bokutos sisters, not Bokuto or even the family dog. After about 15 minutes, Kuroo got around to his phone and picked up. Akaashi was hysterical, his words broke through sobs as he pleaded Kuroo for any sign of Bokuto. "Whoa whoa! Calm down kaashi! Breathe!" Kuroo laughed, not realising what was happening and why the younger male was sobbing like that. After several deep, heavy breaths Akaashi explained the situation to Kuroo, who was silent. There was a moment of painful silence as both males processed the situation. "Kaashi Im on my way, dont worry. We'll find him. Stay at his house just in case he comes back, and if he does, call me." And with that Kuroo hung up, leaving Akaashi with more stress then he had originally.

For most, a friend not responding for a few days wouldnt be that worrying, but for Akaashi and Kuroo, lack of communication from Bokuto was as if he had gone missing. He always replied to any message, liking to stay on good terms with all his friends. The only time he wouldnt respond was when he was at practice or if he had forgotten his phone which wasnt rare, but hed always find a way to contact them no matter what.

After about half an hour, kuroo showed up with bokutos sisters all three looking stressed. Bokutos sisters sped to open the door scared they would find their little brother dead somewhere. Kuroo stayed out of the house comforting Akaashi, holding back tears himself, all of them expecting the worst. Bo's sisters had been out of town so Bokuto had been home alone for about 2 weeks giving him plenty of time to rot away in his own mind, unable to talk to anyone face to face without going outside.

The two women stepped out of the house looking somewhat relieved but also scared, the elder of the two, Kora Bokuto, spoke first. "Good news, hes not dead in here...Bad news, hes not here at all.." She was acting strong, holding back tears. she was terrified for her baby brother. Kau Bokuto, the younger of the two sisters, chimed in "I know you boys are his best friends, he probably opens up to you more than he ever would to us, where do you think he could be..? Our kotaro has never been the best at communication, especially to us, despite what we like to think..." she says with a sigh. Everything she said was true though, Bokuto had lways stuggled with expressing his emotions in a healthy way, hence emo-mode came to be. He'd get stressed whenever he messed up something and 'sulked'. It wasnt really sulking, it was more getting overwhelmed and feeling bad about himself, leading to emotional outbursts and the works. Kuroo and Akaashi knew about this to an extent. The pair agreed to find him and bring him back free from harm. They exchanged a look and Bokutos sisters returned to the house, to continue calling him.

The journey began and they immediately headed to places they knew Bo liked, first the gym, then the park, the public volleyball court, the pool, his favourite restaurant and even called Hinata and Tsukishima to see if he had gotten a lift to the miyagi prefecture to play with them or hangout with them. All of these places came back negative and the worry grew, more people becoming worried now. Hinata offered to get a lift to come help which Akaashi declined hesitantly. "Ok and Tsuki will keep an eye out for him here..." Shoyo mumbled into the phone.

Three hours had passed with no sign of Bokuto and it really took a toll on Akaashi and Kuroo both were on the verge of a breakdown. Kuroo let out a quiet whimper "hey Akaashi..i think its time we check the hospitals..i know you dont want to think about the fact he could be in there...but if he isnt it would be best to check anyway." There was a moment of silence then a quiet sob as Akaashi collapsed to his knees, Kuroo crouched and hugged him close. "I know Keiji...its the most horrific thing to think but its just in case..." The male mumbled, choking back tears of his own. After a while of silent sobbing into kuroo, Keiji looked up at him " ok now...lets go." The males eyes were puffy and he was clearly stressed beyond compair.

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