~New Master~

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The car pulled up on next to a gigantic mansion, "W-Wo-Ow!" It hurt to talk because my cheek still hurt from that slap Mast-Uhm, Bradley, gave me.

Apparently I have multiple Masters now or one of them gets to have me. I hope they are nice. That wont happen though...

I chuckled at the thought of my new Master or Masters being nice.

"M'am?" The driver said, "O-Oh! S-Sorry!" I opened the door and walked out of the Limo.

I sighed as the Limo drove away and brought up all my courage to walk to the double doors and knock on them.

The right door opened but no one was there, "U-Uhm...e-excuse me but...is anyone there?" I asked and heard someone tut.

A boy opened the door more wider and he had red hair with an angry expression on his face.

"Who're you? Oh yeah...your the new slave." He smirked, "Come in," I nodded and walked in.

"Follow me," He was still smirking.

D-Does he have weird thoughts in his head???

(Come on its Ayato! Maybe...he does?)

"Oi! Reiji! The slave is here! Or should I say maid!" He shouted.

We walked into a living room with a group of boys sitting down on couches. Around five boys but six including the one next to me.

"Oh, here you are. And here she is." He pushed me into the center as he sat down.

I stood patiently waiting for someone to talk, "So...who gets her then?" A blonde-ish haired boy mumbled.

A red-ish haired boy put his hand up, "It should be me~! Im the most attractive one here and the one who gives the most pleasure~!" He exclaimed excitedly.

Most pleasure?! Whats that supposed to mean?!?!?!

"Mm, but me and teddy might need her..." A purple haired boy mumbled, "Indeed but, I may need help on work. Something you people dont do." A black-ish haired boy said.

"She could help me sleep..." That boy with the blonde-ish hair said.

Who needs help to go to sleep?

"But Yours Truly, saw her first!"

"Everyone~! I need her the most~! She looks like she would taste the sweetest and be more fun to pleasure~!"

Okay...this guy is a perv. Lets just get THAT straight.

A white haired boy growled, "I could use her as a punching bag!" He punched the wall in anger.

Why so serious, bruh???

"Okay. Its settled. To me it appears that Laito wants her the most. Others will just have to ask Laito if they can borrow her." 'Reiji', at least I think, said.

The boy named Laito grabbed my wrist then sat me on his lap, facing him and my maid dress isnt made to cover everything ya know?!

Shit...he can see my pan-

"Nfu~ Teddys~? Thats cute, Bitch-Chan~!" I blushed and tried to pull my dress down so it would cover up.

"Laito. Take your private business to your room." Reiji stated and Laito nodded happily.

"Close your eyes, Bitch-Chan~" I nodded and did so.

I was placed on something soft and something was placed inbetween me which made me open my eyes.

We were in his bedroom and he was the thing inbetween me.


"Ah~ What do you call me~?" He teased.

"M-Master..." He grinned then leaned in on me.

"Dont speak unless I allow you to~ You might get punished if you do~!" He poked my nose and I nodded.

He then held my arms beside me and kissed me.

W-Woah!!! Laito!!! Too soon!!!

He leaned back, "Why too soon~?" I gasped, "Speak~" I nodded, "H-How come you can read my...mind, Master?" I asked.

"I am a vampire~! Its one of the perks, Bitch-Chan~!"

Vampire?? I dont think so...your bluffing...

"Want me to bite you~? As proof~? Bitch-Chan~?"

I nodded so he put his head just above my chest and licked for a minute.

Hes not actually gonna do it...is he?

Just as I thought that a sharp pain ran through my body and gave me an electric shock.

"A-Ah! M-Master!" It hurt badly and i could feel him sucking my blood out of my body like a vaccum.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2015 ⏰

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