Disney rides yes yes

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Tay guides everyone to a dumbo ride "We have to ride this one first." Papa Smurf got his own seat on the ride as people who passed by worshipped papa smurf. The ride was pretty boring but the design itself was cute until everyone spotted a rollercoaster. Although Papa Smurf was too SHORT to ride it. So papa smurf had to pass on that ride 😭😰😨😩😩😩. so saddddd brokenenenn yes yes :( anyways, after that ride tay saw some really cute disney ears and bought them for 127383129077132971328910237812397312789683129832 billion hundred moneys  because idk. after that tay went broke but she won the lottery cause why not. After that Cobo decided that everyone should go eat now ( REMEMBER TO EAT CHILDREN), thats when MXD realised PAPA SMURF WAS GONE?!?!?!??!?!?! stay tuned for part 3 the hunt for papa smurf

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