The House /1

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~ a little while later ~

~ Y/N POV ~

"And you don't have a song? Anything special you played at your wedding?" Agnes asked Wanda, while we were trying to figure out the best way to plan her anniversary.

"No, nothing special." Wanda replied.

"I can lend you some records then, I have plenty at home I don't use and that are very pretty." I offered to Wanda and smiled.

"Thank you Y/N, that would be nice."

"So, we've got music covered, decor, wardrobe.. Oh, what about seduction techniques?" Agnes laughed and looked over at Wanda.

"Oh, I have those." Wanda smiled at her, and I smiled as well.

"Of course you do."

"Just out of curiosity, what does it say?" Wanda asked. Maybe she doesn't have them, and just didn't wanted to look dump? I'll never know.

"That you should stumble when you walk into a room, so he can catch you. It's romantic" Agnes started to read from the magazine, and I looked into it as well.

"Any other tricks?" Wanda asked again, and I found the parts Agnes read.

"You could point out that the death rate of single men is twice that of married men" I said instead of Agnes, reading over her shoulder.

"Now that is romantic!" Agnes laughed, and so did I and Wanda. Then, the phone started to ring and Wanda went to pick the call up.

"Vision residence. Vision sweetheart, don't worry dear, I have everything under control" She said looking over at me and Agnes.

"Nervous, whatever for. Vis, after all this time. Well, it's just one night there's no need to be dramatic." Wanda talked to her husband, and from what I managed to find out about them, he was THE Vision.

"And I think the best course of action is to impress the husband." She putted  her thumb up and winked at us. I smiled back at her.

"Until tonight." She smiled and placed the phone down again. Gosh, how much I used to hate these phones. The new ones are so much better.

"What's up with him?" Agnes asked her, as she walked back to us.

"Oh he's just really worried about.... work and stuff I don't know." She replied with a nervous laugh.

"Oh well, surely he'll be happy again once he gets home and you surprise him." Agnes reassured her and smiled.

"Well I better get going so you can get ready." I said, getting up from the couch. Agnes did the same.

"We'll see you soon Wanda." Agnes smiled, as we walked towards the door.

"Bye Agnes, Bye Y/N!" Wanda said, as we walked away from her house.

For now, both of them seemed pretty normal. No magick. I started to think that I confused them with someone accidentally.

"So, Y/N. Tell me, why have you moved to Westview?" Agnes asked me, as we stopped by the street.

I thought for a second, "Well, I used to live alone for a long time, so I thought it could be nice to move into some town." I replied in the end.

"I live right over there. You can come and visit sometimes." I smiled at her, and pointed at my house. Agnes smiled.

"How marvelous! I live right next to you. Mind if you showed me your house now? When I saw it earlier, I thought it was pretty." Agnes smiled and I nodded. I didn't mind visitors, since I was mostly alone with Sunny. It could be a nice change.

"Sure, I don't see a problem. Come on." I smiled, and we started to walk towards my house. I searched my pocket for the keys, and unlocked the door. I always made sure to lock it.

"I'm back Sunny!" I said our secret code, which meant that we had visitors. Normally, I wouldn't say anything.

"Who's Sunny? I thought you said that you live alone." Agnes asked and smirked over my own mistake.

Sunny flew over to us, as I closed the door again.

"Well, I forgot to mention Sunny. It's my pet." I smiled, and allowed Sunny to land on my hand.

"Looks like we have more in common. I also have a pet, he's a bunny called Senior Scratchy." Agnes laughed and I showed her the living room.

That isn't the only thing we have in common. I thought for myself, since I knew that she was a witch just like me.

"I'll go make us some tea, if you want." I offered and Agnes nodded. I walked over to the kitchen and started to make tea.

I made the whole water boiling process faster with my magick, while talking to Agnes. I also made sure she won't see anything.

"What type of type would you like Agnes?" I turned around and peeked into the living room.

"Oh, I don't have a preference. You can pick me any you have." Agnes smiled, sitting on the couch.

"Okay! Two plum tea coming right up!" I giggled and went back to make the tea quickly. Plum tea was one of the many I had.

I made the tea, and picked up the tea cups and a small bowl with sugar cubes.

I walked back into living room, and placed all of the stuff on the small table.

"Thank you Y/N." Agnes smiled and picked up one of the cups, before putting two sugar cubes inside.

I personally like my tea with (P/N) cubes, and so I took that number and put them in my tea as well.

"Y/N, I must say. You've got some very interesting books around. Are they all yours?" Agnes asked me with a smirked, and I got confused a little.

I looked at my bookshelf, and checked the books there. I always made sure that they seem like the typical literature.

But no, instead of the illusion I always placed there, my witchy books were there now.

"Y/N, are you a witch?"

I won't usually update this soon, but I had this written and wanted this book have more than just one chapter :)

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