~14~ You Are Not My Son

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M A R L I E  

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M A R L I E  

The week went by fast, surprisingly considering that it was finals week.

Just like in almost every life, shit happens. And my shit seems to be Christian disappearing on me, giving me a sign that he wants nothing to do with me.

Finals are done and the seniors are set loose until graduation. Me and Cathy studied together for English four and the rest of my classes I ended up doing on my own. I am confident that I passed all my classes. Along with the principle. He had called me into the office giving me good news about graduation.

Christian was right when he said I will get Valedictorian.  It's like it was meant to happen.

I celebrated with my family about my win with dinner.

I wanted to tell many more about my achievement so I called all my family members from New York and texted Cathy and Kayden. The one person I wanted to tell wasn't anywhere to be found for the whole week. 

Adam wasn't as worried, day one of Christian disappearance. When he noticed he still didn't come back the day after and the day after that, he started calling and blowing up his phone. With the help of my father, they found out where he was the other day. I wasn't able to get any information and neither did Julius. I texted him as much as I could to make sure he was ok. But nothing was being said back. 

I decided to give up yesterday during Pedicures and manicures with my mom and Cathy. 

Father told her about Kayden, and I reassured her me and Kayden are still only friends. 

I have my eye on someone else. Only he is MIA. 

I place the long yellow, sparkled dress on. It hugs my curves but is loose at the very bottom. Mother stood behind me fixing my hair that's in a bun. The crystals took minutes to put in my hair. She looks at me through the mirror smiling once we were all done. 

"You are gorgeous." She smiles. 

"Thank you, mom. I don't even recognize myself." I turn myself left to right in the mirror. I'm not sure why I thought about Christian when I did. I wish he was here with me, just to tell me how perfect and beautiful I am. Just thinking of his voice makes me miss him. 

"The power of makeup." She said, taking me out of my head. "I should go check on Cathy and see if she is almost done." 

I grab the box on the nightstand and place the diamond necklace around my neck. "That's pretty who got it for you, Christian?" 

"Christian?" I turn to face her. "Why would you mention him." 

"You confirmed to me that Kayden is nothing but a friend. I can only imagine you and Christian getting closer. Not to mention the cameras around the house." She grins at me. "He makes you happy, doesn't he?" She asks. 

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